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Colloquia Archives

Fall Quarter 2024

Academic Year 2024/2025

Fall colloquium committee: Kapitulnik (chair), Gratta, Shen

Colloquiums are held in Hewlett Teaching Center, room 201 at 3:30pm.DATE

10/1/2024Giorgio Gratta and Ian FisherStanford University State of the Departments
10/8/2024Dimitri Basov Columbia University ZX ShenShedding nano-light on quantum materials
10/15/2024Adam BurrowsPrinceton UniversityGiorgio GrattaVideo: The Emerging Detailed Theory of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions
10/22/2024Michel MilinkovitchUniversity of GenevaDaniel FisherHow reptiles got their looks: the unreasonable effectiveness of computational models in skin scale and colour patterning
10/29/2024Mikhail LukinHarvard University  Xiaoliang Qi Exploring quantum frontier with programmable atom arrays
11/5/2024CANCELED: Ania Bleszynski-JayichUC Santa BarbaraSteven ChuCANCELED: New Directions in Quantum Sensing and Imaging with Diamond Spins
11/12/2024Jon LevinStanford UniversityGiorgio GrattaA conversation about Stanford
11/19/2024David NelsonHarvard UniversityAharon KapitulnikVideo: Scale Dependent Elasticity and Mutilated Nanosheets
11/26/2024Thanksgiving Break – No Colloquium   
12/3/2024CANCELED - Alan HeegerUCSBAharon KapitulnikCANCELLED - Conducting polymers in biology, bio electronics and medicine
Spring Quarter 2024

Spring Quarter Colloquium Committee: David Schuster (Chair), Trithep Devakul, Giorgio Gratta.

Colloquiums are held Tuesdays at 3:30 in Hewlett 201. 

4/2/2024Feng WangUC BerkeleyTony HeinzVideo: Electron-hole fluid in van der Waals heterostructures
4/9/2024Andrea LiuUniversity of PennsylvaniaBenjamin GoodVideo: Physical systems that can learn by themselves
4/16/2024Joel FajansUC BerkeleyGiorgio GrattaVideo: Measuring the Effect of Gravity on Antimatter
4/23/2024Ashvin VishwanathHarvard UniversityTrithep DevakulVideo: The surprising effectiveness of topology in the science of quantum materials
4/30/2024Long JuMITZX ShenVideo: Emergent Phenomena in Crystalline Multilayer Graphene
5/7/2024No Colloquium   
5/14/2024Kyle DawsonUniversity of UtahGiorgio GrattaVideo: Cosmology from the First Year DESI BAO Measurements
5/21/2024Caterina Vernieri Stanford UniversityLauren TompkinsVideo: Delving into the Unknown: The Higgs Boson at Future Colliders
5/28/2024John PreskillCalifornia Institute of TechnologyPeter MichelsonVideo: Learning in a Quantum World
Winter Quarter 2024

AY 2023/2024

Winter Quarter Colloquium Committee: Aharon Kapitulnik (Chair), Mark Kasevich, Daniel Fisher.

Colloquiums are held Tuesdays at 3:30 in Hewlett 201. DATE

1/16/2024Steve KivelsonStanford UniversityAharon KapitulnikVideo: Fractionalization and emergent gauge symmetries in quantum condensed matter
1/23/2024Asimina ArvanitakiPerimeter InstituteSavas DimopoulosVideo: The distribution of the Cosmic Neutrino Background on the surface of the Earth
1/30/2024 - Canceled, no colloquium.Canceled: Michel MilinkovitchUniversity of GenevaDaniel FisherCanceled: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Reaction-Diffusion and Mechanical Models in Vertebrate Skin Patterning
2/6/2024Roger BlandfordStanford UniversityGiorgio GrattaVideo: Extreme Electrodynamics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes
2/13/2024Victoria KaspiMcGill UniversityRoger RomaniVideo: Fast Radio Bursts
2/20/2024Herman VerlindePrinceton University.Xiaoliang QiVideo: Chaotic quantum dynamics and the quantum geometry of spacetime
2/27/2024Larry GladneyYale UniversityPhysics Grad StudentsVideo: Who Gets to Discover the Unknown - The Rubin LSST Ecosystem and the Future on the Cosmic Frontier
3/5/2024Antoine BrowaeysInstitut d’Optique Graduate School - Université Paris-Saclay, CNRSMonika Schleier-SmithVideo: Exploring many-body problems with arrays of individual atoms
3/7/2024 (Thursday at 4:30)Pierre AgostiniThe Ohio State UniversitySpecial event in conjunction with SLAC Colloquium SeriesVideo: Attosecond pulse trains, RABBITT and applications
3/12/2024Tova HolmesUniversity of Tennessee, KnoxvilleLauren TompkinsVideo: Muon Colliders: the Next Generation of Particle Accelerators 


Autumn Quarter 2023
10/3/2023Giorgio Gratta & Ian FisherStanford UniversityGiorgio GrattaState Of The Departments
10/10/2023Mike CrommieUC BerkeleyZX ShenVideo: Imaging frozen electrons in a 2D Wigner crystal
10/17/2023Jeongwan HaahMicrosoftVedika KhemaniVideo: Quantum error correction: a window to complex quantum states and dynamics
10/24/2023Vladan VuleticMITMonika Schleier-SmithVideo: The Quantum Age: From Bell Pairs to Quantum Computers
10/31/2023Chris LaumannBoston UniversityVedika KhemaniVideo: The fine structure of quantum spin ice
11/7/2023Adam KaufmanCU BoulderJon SimonVideo: Programmable control of indistinguishable particles: from sampling to clocks to qubits
11/14/2023Yangyang ChengYale Law SchoolPeter Michelson & Freeman-Spogli InstituteVideo: Scientific Collaboration Amidst Shifting US-China Relations
11/21/2023Thanksgiving Break - No Colloquium   
11/29/2023Peter Abbamonte University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign (UIUC)ZX ShenVideo: Observation of Pines' Demon in Sr2RuO4 with Momentum-Resolved EELS
Spring Quarter 2023

AY 2022/23

Spring Quarter Colloquium Committee: R. Blandford, V. Khemani (CHAIR), A. Safavi-Naeini. Start time: 3:30 p.m. in Hewlett 200.

4/4/2023Steve Chu, Steve Koonin, Bob LaughlinStanford UniversityRoger BlandfordIn this experimental format for a physical colloquium, our three distinguished speakers will each introduce and describe one unsolved physical science problem relevant to transitioning to a sustainable world.
4/11/2023Christian WeinheimerUniversity of MünsterGiorgio GrattaDirect search for the neutrino mass scale with the KATRIN experiment
4/18/2023Mark G. RaizenThe University of Texas at AustinSteve ChuIsotopes, Maxwell’s demon, and The Pointsman Foundation
4/25/2023Romain VasseurUMass AmherstVedika KhemaniAnomalous hydrodynamics of low dimensional quantum systems
5/2/2023Fiona BurnellUniversity of MinnesotaVedika Khemani

Symmetry, topology, and the many faces of condensed matter


5/10/2023 (Wednesday)Jocelyn Bell BurnellUniversity of OxfordPhilip BucksbaumWomen in Astrophysics
5/16/2023Ignacio CiracMax Planck Institute for Quantum OpticsVedika KhemaniQuantum computing in the presence of errors
5/23/2023Boris ShraimanUCSBBenjamin GoodPhysics of Morphogenesis
5/30/2023Phiala Shanahan MITLauren TompkinsFrom quarks to nuclei: computing the Standard Model


Winter Quarter 2022/2023

AY 2022/23

Winter Quarter Colloquium Committee: J. Hoeksema, D. Goldhaber-Gordon (Chair), J. Simon. Start time: 3:30 p.m. in Hewlett 201.

1/17/2023David Goldhaber-GordonStanford UniversityDavid Goldhaber-GordonCan a solid-state quantum simulator help us understand materials?
1/24/2023Omar HurricaneLawrence Livermore National Laboratory Giorgio GrattaHow Ignition and Target Gain > 1 Was Achieved In Inertial Fusion
1/31/2023Bill AbbettUC BerkeleyTodd HoeksemaUnderstanding our Dynamic, Magnetically Active Star
2/7/2023Roger W. Romani Stanford Dept. of Physics / KIPACRoger BlandfordIXPE: Our First Look Around the X-ray Polarized Sky
2/14/2023Xiao-Gang WenMITZX ShenEmergent symmetry - a new way to understand strongly interacting gapless states and quantum field theory
2/21/2023Peter MichelsonStanford UniversityRoger BlandfordThe Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope at 15: Observing the Vibrant Universe
2/28/2023CANCELED: Vladan VuleticMITJon SimonCANCELED: The Quantum Age: From Bell Pairs to Quantum Computers
3/7/2023Vikram RaviCaltechRoger BlandfordThe Deep Synoptic Array: fast radio burst probes of the unseen universe
3/14/2023Kip ThorneCaltechSteven Chu


Autumn Quarter 2022

AY 2022/23

Autumn Quarter Colloquium Committee: G. Gratta, M. Kasevich, E. Silverstein (Chair). Start time: 3:30 p.m. in Hewlett 200.

10/4/2022Giorgio Gratta & Ian FisherStanford UniversityGiorgio GrattaStatus of the Physics and Applied Physics Departments
10/11/2022Alex Lupsasca and Pamela Davis KivelsonVanderbilt University & StanfordVedika KhemaniThe Science and Art of Black Hole Images
10/18/2022ZX ShenStanford UniversityEva SilversteinIn Search for the Next Magic Stone
10/25/2022Agostino MarinelliSLACGiorgio GrattaFrom free electrons to bound electrons: attosecond science with X-ray free-electron lasers
11/1/2022Jason HoganStanford UniversityPeter GrahamLong baseline clock atom interferometry
11/8/2022No colloq (Democracy Day)
11/15/2022Ethan DyerGoogle BlueshiftEva SilversteinLessons from scale for large language models and quantitative reasoning
11/22/2022No colloq (Thanksgiving recess)   
11/29/2022Matthew EvansMITGiorgio GrattaCosmic Explorer - a next-gen gravitational-wave observatory


Spring Qtr. Colloq 2022

Spring Qtr. Colloq. Committee: R. Blandford, S. Clark, B. Lev (chair). Start time: 3:30 p.m. in Hewlett 200.


4/5/2022Jack HarrisYale UniversityBen LevMeasuring the eigenvalue braids & knots near higher-order execeptional points
4/12/2022Bill Collins (Hofstadter speaker)Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySteve ChuProspects for estimating Transient Climate Response to Greenhouse Gases using the Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem
4/19/2022Justin VandenbrouckeUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonGiorgio GrattaAstrophysics with high energy neutrinos
4/26/2022Garth IllingworthUC-Santa CruzRoger BlandfordJWST is the most ambitious astronomy mission ever. What did it take to make JWST a reality, and how is it progressing towards revealing its extraordinary science capabilities
5/3/2022Immanuel BlochMax Planck InstituteVedika KhemaniQuantum Matter under the Microscope - Engineering and Probing Quantum Matter using Quantum Simulations
5/10/2022David Paul DeMilleUniversity of ChicagoBen LevUltracold polar molecules: an emerging tool for quantum science
5/17/2022Sarah GibsonUniversity Corporation for Atmospheric ResearchSusan ClarkBeyond Flatland: A Star of Many Dimensions
5/24/2022Mark SchnitzerStanford UniversityBen LevLarge-scale optical imaging studies of neural coding and computation in the neocortex
5/31/2022Tracy SlatyerMITSusan Clark

Bound States in Heavy Dark Sectors from WIMPonium to Squeezeout

Winter Qtr. Colloq 2022

Committee: S. Dimopoulos, V. Khemani, A. Linde (chair). Start time: 3:30 pm PST. 

1/18/2022Chao-Lin Kuo CANCELLED (to be rescheduled)Stanford UniversityAndrei Linde 
1/25/2022Rahul Nandkishore CANCELLED (to be rescheduled)CU BoulderVedika Khemani 
2/1/2022Feng WangUC BerkeleyTony HeinzDesigning Artificial Quantum Materials with van der Waals Heterostructures
2/8/2022Ken Van TilburgNew York UniversitySavas DimopoulosSearching for Odd Phenomena with Odd Detectors
2/15/2022Rahul NandkishoreCU BoulderVedika KhemaniFracton Dynamics
2/22/2022Chao-Lin KuoStanford UniversityAndrei LindeKnowing the Unknowable - The Experimental Study of Inflation
3/1/2022Surjeet RajendranJohn Hopkins UniversiySavas DimopoulosA Causal Framework for Non-Linear Quantum Mechanics
3/8/2022Masha BaryakhtarUniversity of WashingtonSavas DimopoulosSearching for New Particles in the Sky
Autumn Qtr. 2021/22 Colloq.

Committee: G. Gratta, R. Laughlin, Z. Shen (chair). Start time: 4:30 pm PST.


9/28/2021Dan WilkinsStanford UniversityZX ShenSeeing to the Event Horizons of Supermassive Black Holes
10/5/2021Surya GanguliStanford UniversityMark SchnitzerWeaving together theoretical physics, machine learning and neuroscience: a tale of neurons, atoms and photons in the service of computation
10/12/2021Peter ArmitageJohn Hopkins UniversityZX Shen/Ton HeinzOn Ising’s Model of Ferromagnetism
10/19/2021Cynthia FriendHarvard UniversityZX ShenCan the U.S. Compete in Basic Energy Sciences
10/26/2021David HertzogUniversity of WashingtonGiorgio GrattaFirst Results – and afterthoughts -- from the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment
11/2/2021Harold HwangStanford UniversityZX ShenSuperconductivity in infinite layer nickelates
11/9/2021Allan MacDonald (Hanna Visiting Scholar)UT-AustinZX ShenThe Magic of Moiré Materials
11/16/2021Aida X. El-KhadraUniversity of Illinois at Urbana–ChampaignGiorgio GrattaFinding Beauty: The role of lattice QCD in high energy physics
11/23/2021Thanksgiving recess/no colloq.   
11/30/2021Giorgio Gratta & Kent IrwinStanford UniversityShamit KachruSafety Culture in the Varian Building
Spring Qtr. 2020/21 Colloq.

Committee:  S. Shenker (Chair), R. Blandford and B. Feldman. Start time: 4:30 pm PST.


4/6/2021Geoff PeningtonUC BerkeleyStephen ShenkerBlack holes, information and wormholes
4/13/2021Wolfgang KetterleMITSteven ChuSpin dynamics of ultracold atoms in optical lattices
4/20/2021Maura McLaughlinWest Virginia UniversityRoger BlandfordThe NANOGrav 12.5-Year Data Set: Knocking at the Gravitational Wave Door
4/27/2021Xiaoxing XiTemple UniversityPeter MichelsonScientific espionage, open exchange, and American competitiveness
5/4/2021David HoggNYURoger BlandfordImaging the dark matter with millions of stars
5/11/2021Andrew HouckPrincetonBen FeldmanCircuit QED: From materials to mathematics
5/18/2021Jie ShanCornellBen FeldmanElectrons in 2D semiconductor moiré superlattices
5/25/2021Takaaki KajitaUniversity of TokyoRoger BlandfordThe Hyper-Kamiokande project
6/1/2021Victoria KaspiMcGill UniversityRoger BlandfordFast Radio Bursts: A Cosmological Conundrum or Why I Finally Left the Galaxy
Wtr. Qtr. 2020/21

 Colloq. committee:  S. Kivelson (Chair), A. Kapitulnik, and E. Silverstein. Start time: 4:30 pm PST.

1/12/2021No colloquium   
1/19/2021No colloquium   
1/26/2021No colloquium   
2/2/2021Kent IrwinStanfordEva SilversteinSearching for Axion Dark Matter Below 1 micro-eV: the Dark Matter Radio
2/9/2021Steve CowleyPrincetonSteve KivelsonGetting to a Fusion Pilot Plan
2/16/2021Cristina MarchettiUniversity of California Santa BarbaraAharon KapitulnikActive Topology
2/23/2021No colloquium   
3/2/2021No colloquium   
3/9/2021Pablo Jarillo-HerreroMITAharon KapitulnikThe magic of moiré quantum matter
3/16/2021Alexander B. ZamolodchikovRutgers UniversityEva SilversteinTTbar Deformations, S-matrix, and Density of States


Aut. Qtr. 2020/21

Colloq. committee:  R. Wechsler (Chair), L. Hollberg and R. Laughlin


10/6/2020Susan Clark and Vedika KhemaniStanford UniversityLeo HollbergFrontiers in Cosmic Magnetism and in Many-Body Physics
10/13/2020No colloquium   
10/20/2020Abby VierreggUniversity of ChicagoRisa WechslerDiscovering the Highest Energy Neutrinos
10/27/2020Kim PratherUCSDRisa WechslerAdvances in our understanding of the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2
11/3/2020No colloquium   
11/10/2020Eun-Ah KimCornellVedika KhemaniHarnessing Data Revolution in Quantum Matter
11/17/2020Daniel Gruen and Kimmy WuSLACRisa WechslerFrontiers in Optical and CMB Survey Cosmology
11/24/2020Thanksgiving break - no colloq   
12/1/2020Lauren TompkinsStanford UniversityRisa WechslerPerspectives on the LHC and new Frontiers in the search for Dark Matter
Spring Qtr. 2019/20

Colloq. Committee:  Eva Silverstein (Chair), S. Hartnoll & M. Schnitzer (AP)
Location:  Hewlett Teaching Center Rm. 200


04/07/2020POSTPONED Allan MacDonaldUniv. of Texas at AustinSteve KivelsonTBD
04/14/2020POSTPONED Wolfgang Ketterle, 2020 Hofstadter lecturer   
04/21/2020POSTPONED Ehud AltmanUC BerkeleySean HartnollTBD
04/28/2020POSTPONED Jeff GoreMITShamit KachruTBD
05/05/2020Douglas StanfordStanford UniversitySean HartnollNew roles for wormholes
05/12/2020POSTPONED Cristina MarchettiUC Santa BarbaraAharon KapitulnikTBD
05/19/2020POSTPONED Lihong WangCaltechMark SchnitzerTBD
05/26/2020POSTPONED Alexander ZamolodchikovSimons Center at Stony Brook UniversityEva SilversteinTBD
06/02/2020POSTPONED Justin VandenbrouckeUniversity of Wisconsin at MadisonGiorgio GrattaTBD
06/09/2020POSTPONED Andrea CavalleriMax Planck InstituteTBDTBD
Wtr. Qtr. 2019/20

Colloq. committee:  M. Schleier-Smith (Chair), B. Cabrera, S. Dimopoulos, T. Heinz, S. Kachru & L. Tompkins
Location:  Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 200


01/07/2020Amir YacobyHarvard UniversityAharon KapitulnikQuantum Sensing of Quantum Materials
01/14/2020Andrew MackenzieMax-Planck InstituteSteve KivelsonQuantum oscillations in solids: past, present and future
01/21/2020Angela OlintoUniversity of ChicagoRoger BlandfordSpace Observatories of the Highest Energy Particles: POEMMA & EUSO-SPB
01/28/2020Abhay PasupathyColumbia UniversityBen FeldmanTwisty fun in 2D materials
02/04/2020Dorit AharonovHebrew UniversityPatrick HaydenQuantum Physics from a computational complexity angle
02/11/2020Manuel EndresCaltechMonika Schleier-SmithQuantum Science with Tweezer Arrays
02/18/2020Leo RadzihovskyUniversity of Colorado at BoulderShamit KachruFracton - Elasticity Duality
02/25/2020Asimina ArvanitakiPerimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsSavas DimopulosDark Matter halos from parametric resonance and their signatures
03/03/2020Markus AspelmeyerUniversity of ViennaMark KasevichQuantum Optical Control of Levitated Solids: a novel probe for the gravity-quantum interface
03/10/2020Colloquium canceled   


Aut. Qtr. 2019/20

Colloq. committee:  R. Blandford (Chair), B. Feldman, A. Kapitulnik, B. Lev and V. Khemani
Location:  Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 200


09/24/2019Eric DunhamStanford UniversityBenjamin Lev"Earthquake and Tsunami Physics"
10/01/2019Monika Schleier-SmithStanford UniversityRoger Blandford"Choreographing Quantum Spin Dynamics with Light" 
10/08/2019Ania JayichUC Santa BarbaraBen Feldman“Quantum Sensing and Imaging with Diamond Spins”
10/15/2019Steve GirvinYale UniversityVedika Khemani"Circuit QED:  Quantum Sensing, Information Processing and Error Correction with Microwave Photons"
10/22/2019Liang FuMITVedika Khemani"Thermoelectric Hall effect and nonlinear Hall effect"
10/29/2019Phil MarshallStanford University/SLACRoger Blandford"Tension Between Early and Late Universe Measurements of H0:  Hint of New Physics?"
11/05/2019Waseem BakrPrinceton UniversityBen Feldman"Quantum gas microscopy of ultracold fermions in optical lattices"
11/12/2019Roger Blandford & Eva SilversteinStanford UniversityShamit Kachru"The Physics and Astrophysics of Black Holes and Horizons"
11/19/2019Joseph LykkenFermi National LaboratoryGiorgio Gratta"The Future of Particle Physics"
Spring Qtr. 2018/19

Colloq. Committee:  Monika Schleier-Smith (Chair), P. Hayden, X. Qi
Location:  Hewlett Teaching Center Rm. 201


04/02/2019Ronald WalsworthHarvard Univ.Mark Kasevich"Quantum Diamond Sensors"
04/09/2019Veronika HubenyUC DavisLeonardo Senatore"Black Holes, Holography, and Entanglement"
04/16/2019Laura WallerUC BerkeleyDavid Goldhaber-Gordon"Computational Microscopy for phase retrieval, super-resolution and 3D imaging"
04/23/2019Jonathan SimonUniv. of ChicagoMonika Schleier-Smith"Matter made of Light:  Mott Insulators and Topological Fields"
04/30/2019Xiaowei Zhuang, 2019 Robert Hofstadter Memorial LecturerHarvard Univ.Steve Chu"Imaging at the genomic-scale: from 3D organization of the genome to cell atlas of the brain"
05/07/2019Donna StricklandUniv. of WaterlooPhil Bucksbaum"From Nonlinear Optics to High-Intensity Laser Physics"
05/14/2019Daniel S. Fisher/SITP EventStanford University, APShamit Kachru"Physicists and Evolution: Puzzles and Expectations"
05/21/2019Cenke XuUC Santa BarbaraXiaoliang Qi"Strongly Interacting Synthetic Topological Insulators in High Dimensions"
05/28/2019Irfan SiddiqiUC BerkeleyAmir Safavi-Naeini"The Dawn of Superconducting Quantum Processors"
06/04/2019Reina MaruyamaYale Univ.Lauren Tompkins"Testing DAMA's long-standing claim for dark matter detection"
Wtr. Qtr. 2018/19

Colloq. committee:  A. Linde (Chair), S. Kivelson, B. Lev
Location:  Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 201


01/08/2019Eugene DemlerHarvard UniversityBenjamin Lev"Big Data Perspective on Quantum Matter"
01/15/2019Leonardo SenatoreStanford UniversityAndrei Linde"Field Theory, Geometry and Data in Cosmology"
01/22/2019Raymond AshooriMITSteve Kivelson"Using Quantum Tunneling to Discover New Physics in Two-Dimensional Materials"
01/29/2019James K. ThompsonUniversity of Colorado/JILABenjamin Lev"Twists, Gaps, and Superradiant Emission on a Millihertz Transition"
02/05/2019Persi DiaconisStanford University, Depts. of Statistics & MathematicsSteve Kivelson"Adding Numbers and Shuffling Cards"
02/12/2019John DoyleHarvard UniversityMonika Schleier-Smith"Cold and Ultracold Molecules for Quantum Information and Particle Physics"
02/19/2019Shin-ichi UchidaUniversity of TokyoZ-X Shen"The Road to Higher Tc Superconductivity"
02/26/2019Andre LeclairCornell UniversitySri Raghu"New Perspectives on the Riemann Hypothesis"
03/05/2019Hiranya PeirisUniversity College London and Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, StockholmRisa Wechsler"Pixels to Physics:  The Promise and Challenges of Survey Cosmology"
03/12/2019Mikhail TikhonovWashington University at St. LouisStudent host:  Alana Papula“Microbial Ecology as a New Frontier for Theoretical Physics”
Aut. Qtr. 2018/19

Colloq. committee:  R. Blandford (Chair), A. Kapitulnik, R. Laughlin, L. Senatore
Location:  Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 200


09/25/2018T. Mark HarrisonUCLABob Laughlin"Nuclear Geochronology and the Age of the Earth"
10/02/2018Daniel PalankerStanford UniversityGiorgio Gratta“Photovoltaic Restoration of Sight in Retinal Degeneration"
10/09/2018Julie McEneryNASAPeter Michelson"A High Energy View of the Extreme Universe"
10/16/2018Philip DeutschleSalinas High School and Hartnell CollegeTony Rodriguez, Student Host"Botswana to Bolivia - The Life of an Itinerant Science Educator"
10/23/2018Michael NauenbergUniv. of Calif. at Santa CruzBob Laughlin"Visiting Newton's Atelier before the Principia, 1679-1684"
10/30/2018Louis StrigariTexas A&M UniversityRoger Blandford"The Dynamic Local Universe"
11/06/2018Stephen LibbyLLNLBob Laughlin"High Energy Density Physics – Theory and Experiment in the Realm of the Superlasers"
11/13/2018Natalia ToroSLACRoger Blandford"Searching for Dark Sectors Under our Noses:  Surprising Opportunities at Familiar Mass Scales"
11/27/2018Greg MooreRutgers UniversityLeonardo Senatore"d = 4 N = 2 Field Theory and Physical Mathematics"
Spring 2017/2018

Committee:  Lauren Tompkins (Chair), Steve Kivelson, Patrick Hayden, Monika Schleier-Smith


04/03/2018Vicky Kalogera - Hofstadter lecturerNorthwestern UniversityLeo Hollberg"The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Astrophysics"
04/10/2018Peter OnyisiUniv. of TexasLauren Tompkins"Top Quarks:  The New Flavor"
04/17/2018James CrutchfieldUniv. of Calif. at DavisStudent-hosted"Demonology:  The Curious Role of Intelligence in Physics & Biology"
04/24/2018Markus GreinerHarvard UniversityMonika Schleier-Smith"Ultracold Atom Quantum Simulations:  From Exploring Low Temperature Fermi-Hubbard Phases to Many-Body Localization"
05/01/2018Harald HessHHMI, Janelia Research CampusSteve Chu"Large Volume 3D Imaging by FIBSEM and Cryo-Fluorescence for Cell Biology and Neural Circuits"
05/08/2018Andrei LindeStanford UniversityTBD/Peter Michelson?"Reverse Engineering the Universe"
05/15/2018Chris MonroeUniv. of MarylandMonika Schleier-Smith"Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions"
05/22/2018Dawn WilliamsUniv. of AlabamaLauren Tompkins"The IceCube Neutrino Observatory and the Beginning of Neutrino Astrophysics"
05/29/2018Daniel HolzUniv. of ChicagoRisa Wechsler"GW170817:  Hearing and Seeing a Binary Neutron Star Merger"
Winter 2017/2018

 Committee:  Andrei Linde (Chair), Savas Dimopoulos, Benjamin Lev, Shoucheng Zhang


01/09/2018Helmut KatzgraberTexas A&M UniversityBenjamin Lev"Quantum vs. Classical Optimization:  A Status Update on the Arms Race"
01/16/2018Frank WilczekMITShoucheng Zhang"Symmetries of Time"
01/23/2018Mike RomalisPrinceton UniversitySavas Dimopoulos"Searches for new physics with nuclear spin precession"
01/30/2018Erez BergUniversity of ChicagoSteven Kivelson"Critical Metals:  Lessons from quantum Monte Carlo studies"
02/06/2018Bruce MacintoshStanford UniversityAndrei Linde"Extrasolar Planets"
02/13/2018Pablo Jarillo-HerreroMITAharon Kapitulnik"Magic Angle Graphene: a New Platform for Strongly Correlated Physics"
02/20/2018James SethnaCornell UniversityStudent hosted colloq."Sloppy Models, Differential Geometry, and How Science Works"
02/27/2018Andrei BernevigPrinceton UniversityShoucheng Zhang"Topological Quantum Chemistry"
03/06/2018Dick BondUniv. of TorontoL. Senatore & A. Linde"The Entropic Matter(s) of an Ordered Universe"
03/13/2018David SpergelPrinceton UniversityAndrei Linde“The Search for Dark Energy and NASA’s WFIRST Mission”
Spring 2016/2017

Committee: M. Schleier-Smith (Chair), P. Hayden, L. Tompkins


04/04/2017Sri RaghuStanford UniversityTBD"Presence of Quantum Diffusion in Two Dimensions"
04/11/2017Immanuel BlochMax Planck Institute of Quantum OpticsMonika Schleier-Smith"Controlling and Exploring Quantum Matter Using Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices"
04/18/2017Kerstin PerezMITStudent hosted speaker"In Search of Cosmic-Ray Antinuclei from Dark Matter"
04/25/2017Phil LubinUC Santa BarbaraSteven Chu"Humanity's First Interstellar Mission"
05/02/2017Steven PollockUniversity of ColoradoCarl Wieman"A Research-validated Approach to Transforming upper-division Physics Courses"
05/09/2017Laura NewburghYale UniversityLauren Tompkins"New Probes of Old Structure: Cosmology with 21cm Intensity Mapping and the Cosmic Microwave Background"
05/16/2017L. MahadevanHarvard UniversityHari Manoharan"Morphogenesis: Geometry, Physics and Biology"
05/23/2017Nathalie de LeonPrinceton UniversityStudent hosted colloq."Coherent Defects in Diamond"
05/30/2017Michel DevoretYale UniversityKent Irwin"Protecting Quantum Superpositions in Superconducting Circuits"
Winter 2016/2017

 Committee: A. Linde (Chair), S. Kivelson, S. Zhang


01/10/2017Leonid Levitov (Prof. Stanley S. Hanna Visiting Professorship Program)MITD. Goldhaber-Gordon"Atomic Collapse in Graphene"
01/17/2017Gerry SussmanMITStudent hosted colloq."Programming:   Medium for Clarifying Ideas"
01/24/2017Rai Weiss (Bunyan Lecturer)MITV. Petrosian"The Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves:  Observation of the Mergers of Black Hole Binaries"
01/31/2017Peter GrahamStanford UniversityA. Linde"The Precision Frontier of Particle Physics"
02/07/2017Nathan Seiberg (Prof. Stanley S. Hanna Visiting Professorship Program)Institute for Advanced Study; Stanley S. Hanna ScholarS. Shenker"Symmetries, Duality, and the Unity of Physics"
02/14/2017John MartinisGoogle and UC Santa BarbaraD. Goldhaber-Gordon"Quantum supremacy:  Checking a quantum computer with a classical supercomputer"
02/21/2017Rui-Rui DuRice UniversityS. Zhang"Exploring the Landscape of Interacting Topological Insulators"
02/28/2017Gerald Gabrielse (Hofstadter Lecturer)Harvard UniversityL. Hollberg"Probing the Electron to Test the Most Precise Prediction of the Standard Model and Beyond"
03/07/2017Alan GuthMITA. Linde"Cosmology and the Arrow of Time"
03/14/2017Renata KalloshStanford UniversityA. Linde"From Planck to Escher"
Autumn 2016/2017

Committee: R. Blandford (Chair), A, Kapitulnik, R. Laughlin, L. Senatore


09/27/2016"State of the Departments" colloq. by P. Michelson & M. FejerStanford UniversityN/A"State of the Departments"
10/04/2016Stephen QuakeStanford UniversityAharon Kapitulnik"Single Cell Genomics"
10/11/2016Daniel HarlowHarvard UniversityLeonardo Senatore"Emergent Locality and Gravity from Quantum Error Correction"
10/18/2016Asimina ArvanitakiPerimeter InstiututeLeonardo Senatore"Particle Physics Beyond Colliders"
10/25/2016Shoucheng ZhangStanford UniversityRoger Blandford"Discovery of the Majorana Fermion"
11/01/2016Dmitry BudkerHelmholtz Institute MainzGiorgio Gratta"Precession in the Dark:  CASPEr and GNOME"
11/08/2016David PinesUniv. of IllinoisRobert Laughlin"Emergent Behavior in Quantum Matter"
11/15/2016Ali YazdaniPrinceton UniversityAharon Kapitulnik"Spotting the Elusive Majorana Under the Microscope"
11/22/2016Thanksgiving Recess - No Colloquium   
11/29/2016Vicky KalogeraNorthwestern UniversityRoger Blandford"The Dawn of Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics"
Spring 2015/2016

Committee: M. Schleier-Smith (Chair), G. Gratta, B. Lev, S. Zhang


03/29/16Fiona HarrisonCaltechRoger Blandford"A New View of the High Energy Universe:  Science Highlights from the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Mission"
04/05/16Benjamin LevStanford UniversityRoger Blandford"Frontiers in quantum many-body physics and neuromorphic computation with multimode cavity QED"
04/12/16James KakaliosUniv. of MinnesotaSteve Kivelson"The Uncanny Physics of Superhero Comic Books"
04/19/16Stefano ProfumoUC Santa CruzStudent host: Ruby Lai"A Dark Needle in a Bright Haystack:  Two Stories of Astrophysical Searches for Dark Matter"
04/26/16Theodor Hänsch/Hofstadter LecturerUniv. of MunichSteve Chu"Frontiers in Laser Spectroscopy"
05/03/16Jun YeUniv. of Colorado/NISTBenjamin Lev"Optical Atomic Clock and Many-body Quantum Physics"
05/10/16Dam Thanh SonUniv. of ChicagoShoucheng Zhang"Dirac Composite Fermions in Quantum Hall Fluids"
05/17/16Mikhail LukinHarvard UniversityBenjamin Lev"Exploring New Frontiers of Quantum Optical Science"
05/24/16Umesh VaziraniUC BerkeleyPatrick Hayden"Testing Quantum Systems"
05/31/16Amir YacobyHarvard UniversityKam Moler 
Winter 2015/2016

Committee: R. Blandford (Chair), T. Heinz, L. Hollberg, K. Irwin


01/12/16Ralf Wessel      Washington UniversityStudent host:  Nora Brackbill"Cortical Vision from Emergent Global Dynamics"
01/19/16Leonardo SenatoreStanford UniversityRoger Blandford"Effective Field Theory in Cosmology"
01/26/16Tyce DeYoungMichigan State Univ.Roger Blandford"Observations of Cosmic Neutrinos with IceCube"
02/02/16Yi CuiStanford UniversityRoger Blandford"Batteries:  Now and Future"
02/09/16Eric CornellUniv. of ColoradoLeo Hollberg"Can We Find 10 TeV Particles Using Sub Millihertz Spectroscopy?  Looking for the Electron's Electric Dipole Moment in Trapped Molecular Ions"

Rana Adhikari

(intro by Kip Thorne)

CaltechRoger Blandford"On the Measurement of Gravitational Waves from the Merger of two Black Holes"
02/23/16Hanoch GutfreundHebrew Univ. of JerusalemWilliam Little“The Genesis of General Relativity and its Formative Years”
03/01/16Konrad LehnertUniv. of ColoradoKent Irwin"Electromechanics:  A New Quantum Technology"
03/08/16Alex VilenkinTufts UniversityVahe Petrosian"Black Holes from Cosmic Inflation"
Autumn 2015/2016

Committee: A, Linde (Chair), S. Chu, P. Hayden, M. Schnitzer,  L. Senatore


09/29/15SU Phys. Chair Peter Michelson and AP Chair Hideo MabuchiStanford University                                                                          N/A                              "State of the Departments"                                 
10/06/15Uros SeljakUC BerkeleyLeonardo Senatore"The Large Scale Structure of the Universe"
10/13/15Mark van RaamsdonkUniv. of British ColumbiaPatrick Hayden"Gravity and Entanglement"
10/20/15Shuji NakamuraUniv. of Calif. at Santa BarbaraJames Harris"History and Development of Blue InGaN LEDs and Laser Diodes"
10/27/15Jennifer DionneMat. Sci. & Engr. Dept., Stanford UniversityPatrick Hayden"Inside Out: Visualizing Phase Transformations and Light-matter Interactions with Nanometer-scale Resolution"
11/03/15Leonard SusskindStanford UniversityAndrei Linde"Entanglement and Complexity: Gravity and Quantum Mechanics"
11/10/15Yifang WangInstitute of High Energy Physics, ChinaAndrei Linde"Neutrino Oscillations: Past, Present and Future"
11/17/15Zvi BernUCLARenata Kallosh"A Curious Story of Quantum Gravity in the Ultraviolet".
12/01/15Rebecca FlintIowa State UniversityStudent host:  Christopher Watson"Novel Kondo Physics in Non-Kramers Doublets"
Spring 2014/15

Committee: G. Gratta (Chair), R. Blandford, L. Senatore, + P. Bucksbaum


03/31/15Guifre VidalPerimeter InstituteXiailiang Qi"Tensor Network Renormalization"
04/07/15Leslie RosenbergUniv. of WashingtonGiorgio Gratta"Searching for Dark-Matter Axions"
04/14/15Tony RemijanUniversity of VirginiaRoger Blandford"The Atacam Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) - Revealing New Chemical and Physical Views of the Cosmos"
04/21/15Anton Zeilinger - 2015 Robert Hofstadter Memorial LecturerUniversity of Vienna, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum InformationLeonard Susskind"Quantum Entanglement in Higher Dimensions"
04/28/15W. E. (William E.) MoernerStanford University (Chemistry Dept.)Giorgio Gratta"The Story of Single Molecules, from Early Spectroscopy in Solids to Super-Resolution Nanoscopy in Cells and Beyond"
05/05/15Jeff KimbleCaltechBenjamin Lev"Strong Atom-Light Interactions in Photonic Crystals"
05/12/15Harvey MoseleyNASAKent Irwin"Searching for the First Stars"
05/19/15Senthil TodadriMITStudent hosted colloq."Topological Insulators beyond Band Theory"
05/26/15David ReitzeCaltechGiorgio Gratta"Advanced LIGO: The Coming Dawn of Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy"
Winter Quarter 2014/15

Committee: S.C. Zhang (Chair), P. Hayden, K. Irwin & S. Block PLEASE NOTE:  Wtr. Qtr. colloquia will be held in Hewlett Room 200!


01/13/15John MartinisGoogle/UC Santa BarbaraKent Irwin"State Preservation by Repetitive Error Detection in Superconducting Qubits"
01/20/15Heather KnutsonCaltechBruce Macintosh"Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets in the Super-Earth Era"
01/27/15Scott AaronsonMITNathaniel Thomas (student host)"When Exactly Do Quantum Computers Provide a Speedup?"
02/03/15 Joseph CurtinJoseph Curtin Studios, Ann Arbor, MISteve Block"Can Stradivari’s Sound be Measured?"
02/10/15Alex Wissner-GrossHarvard University Institute for Applied Computational ScienceXiaoliang Qi"Causal Entropic Forces"
02/17/15Vladen VuleticMITLeo Hollberg"Strong PhotonPphoton Interactions"
02/24/15Frederico FiuzaSLACSeb Doniach"Laser-driven Shock Waves:  From Cosmic-ray Physics to Medical Applications"
03/03/15Austin RoordaUniv. of Calif. at BerkeleyBruce Macintosh"From Stimulation to Perception:  Adaptive Optics for Testing Human Vision on a Cellular Scale"
03/10/15François R. BouchetInstitut d'Astrophysique de ParisAndrei Linde"Recent Cosmology Results from the Planck Experiment"
Autumn 2014/15

Committee: A. Linde (Chair), L. Hollberg, B. Macintosh & Young Lee


09/30/14Welcoming Colloq. by Physics & AP Chairs, P. Michelson & H. MabuchiStanford UniversityN/A"State of the Departments"
10/07/14Omar HurricaneLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryGiorgio Gratta"The High-Foot Implosion Campaign & Progress Towards Ignition on the National Ignition Facility"
10/14/14Lyman PagePrinceton UniversityKent Irwin"ACT and the CMB in Polarization"
10/21/14Sean HartnollStanford UniversityTBD"From Black Holes to Badly Behaved Metals"
10/28/14Gergely ZimanyiUC DavisAustin Sendek
(student host)
"Full Spectrum Boost in Nanoparticle Solar Cells"
11/04/14Keivan StassunVanderbilt UniversityPeter Michelson"Advances in Stellar Astrophysics, Solar Physics, and Exoplanet Science with Large Surveys"
11/11/14John PreskillCaltechLenny Susskind"Quantum Computing and the Entanglement Frontier"
11/18/14John DoyleHarvard UniversityLeo Hollberg"Order of Magnitude Smaller Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron"
11/25/14NO COLLOQ. - Thanksgiving Recess   
Spring 2013/14

Committee: Steve Shenker (Chr.), Steve Kivelson and Bob Byer


4/01/14Peter ArmitageJohns Hopkins UniversitySteve Kivelson"THz Investigations of Exotic Quantum States of Matter”
4/08/14Surya GanguliStanford UniversitySteve Shenker"A Tour Through Neurophysics:  On Singing Birds, Forgetting Synapses, and Turning Heads"
4/15/14Subir SachdevHarvard UniversityStudent hosted colloq."Unveiling the Order of the High Temperature Superconductors"
4/22/14David HusePrinceton UniversitySteve Shenker"Quantum Thermalization and Many-Body Anderson Localization"
4/29/14Aharon KapitulnikStanford UniversitySteve Kivelson"Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Unconventional Superconductors"
5/06/14Rob MyersPerimeter InstituteSteve Shenker"New Dialogues:  Entanglement, Holography and Renormalization"
5/13/14Margaret KivelsonUCLASteve Shenker"What Spacecraft Exploration has taught us about Plasmas in the Solar System"
5/20/14Debbie JinJILALeo Hollberg"Ultracold Polar Molecules"
5/27/14Matias Zaldarriaga  Institute for Advanced StudySteve Shenker"The Cosmic Microwave Background after 50 Years"
6/03/14Charles MarcusNiels Bohr InstituteAharon Kapitulnik"Condensed Matter Physics for Quantum Information"
Winter 2013/14

Committee: Mark Kasevich (Chr.), Giorgio Gratta and Shoucheng Zhang


1/14/14Arun MajumdarGoogleSteve Chu"Energy & the Industrial Revolution:  Past, Present & Future"
1/21/14Yoshi YamamotoStanford UniversityMark Kasevich"Coherent Computing by OPO Phase Transition"
1/28/14Peter FierlingerTU MunichGiorgio Gratta"Slow Neutrinos and the Early Universe"
2/04/14Robert L. ByerStanford UniversityGiorgio Gratta"Laser Accelerator on a Chip (>300MeV/m):  A Path to TeV Energy Scale Physics and Table Top Coherent X-ray Sources"
2/11/14Mark NewmanUniversity of MichiganShoucheng Zhang"Epidemics, Influence, and Erdos Numbers: The Physics of Networks"
2/18/14David PritchardMITMark Kasevich"What Should Students Learn, What Do Students Learn, and What Do They Learn It From?"
2/25/14Qi-Kun XueTsinghua University, ChinaShoucheng Zhang"From Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect to Interface Enhanced High Temperature Superconductivity"
3/04/14Sir Michael BerryUniversity of BristolLeonard Susskind"Hamilton's Diabolical Singularity"
3/11/14Chao-Lin KuoStanford UniversityTBD"Inflationary B-modes and BICEP/Keck Experiments"
3/18/14Tali Figueroa-FelicianoMITPatricia Burchat"What's the Matter with the Universe?"
Fall 2013/14

Committee: Andrei Linde (Chr.), Leo Hollberg and Yoshi Yamamoto


10/01/13Physics Chair Peter Michelson & Applied Physics Chair Hideo MabuchiStanford UniversityN/A"State of the Departments"
10/08/13Andrei LindeStanford UniversityN/A"Planck 2013 and Cosmological Attractors"
10/15/13CANCELLED DUE TO GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNJILA, Univ. of ColoradoLeo Hollberg"Ultracold Polar Molecules"
10/22/13Leonard SusskindStanford UniversityN/A"New Concepts for Old Black Holes"
10/29/13Xiaoliang QiStanford UniversityAndrei Linde"Exact Holographic Mapping and Emergent Space-time Geometry"
11/05/13Richard HennigCornell UniversityStudent hosted colloq. - Helen Craig"Computational Discovery and Design of Materials for Energy Technologies"
11/12/13Matthias TroyerETH, ZurichYoshi Yamamoto"Quantum Annealing and the D-Wave Devices"
11/19/13E. J. ChichilniskyDept. of Neurosurgery and Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford UniversityAndrei Linde
"Deciphering a Neural Circuit"
11/26/13Thanksgiving RecessNo Colloq.  
Spring 2012/13

Committee: Xiaoliang Qi (Chr.),Stefan Funk, Ian Fisher, ZX Shen & Bob Byer


4/2/13Nicola SpaldinETH ZurichXiaoliang QiCosmic Strings in Multiferroics
4/9/13Fabiola GianottiCERNLeonard SusskindThe Higgs Boson and other Recent Results from ATLAS
4/16/13Turki al SaudVP for Research of KACSTPeter MichelsonLarge Scale Water Desalination by Solar Energy
4/23/13Sigrid CloseStanford UniversityStefan FunkTheory and Experiments of Hypervelocity Impact Plasmas
4/30/13Jan ZaanenLeiden UniversityXiaoliang QiThe string theory – condensed matter flirtation: an eyewitness account
5/7/13Richard ScalettarUniversity of Calif. at DavisStudent Host:  Helen CraigMagnetism and Superconductivity in Inhomogeneous Systems
5/14/13Aephraim SteinbergToronto UniversityXioaliang QiQuantum Measurement in the Real World
5/21/13Steven ChuStanford UniversityVahe PetrosianBiophysics and Bio-medicine in a New Light
5/28/13C. W. Francis EverettStanford UniversityLeoHollbergThe Discovery of Maxwell's Equations
Winter 2012/13

Committee: Steve Shenker (Chr.), David Goldhaber-Gordon, Ian Fisher, ZX Shen and Bob Byer


1/8/13Feng WangUniv. of Calif. at BerkeleyStudent Host:  Helen CraigTunable Optical Properties of Graphene
1/15/13Yuki SatoRowland Inst., Harvard Univ.Hideo MabuchiDevice Engineering with Quantum and/or Artificial Materials
1/22/13Michel DevoretYale UniversityDavid Goldhaber-GordonThe Road to the Poles: Quantum Measurements that Steer rather than Collapse
1/29/13Beate HeinemannUniv. of California at BerkeleySteve ShenkerThe First Three Years at the LHC
2/5/13Kent IrwinNISTPeter MichelsonSuperconducting Sensors:  Probing Cosmology and the Properties of Neutrinos
2/12/13Yi-Fang WangIHEP BeijingGiorgio GrattaA New Type of Neutrino Oscillation Observed at Daya Bay
2/19/13Surya GanguliStanford UniversitySteve ShenkerCancelled due to illness
2/26/13Joe PolchinskiKavli Institute for Theoretical PhysicsSteve ShenkerThe Black Hole Information Paradox -- Alive and Kicking
3/5/13Stefan WesterhoffUniversity of WisconsinStudent Host:  Helen CraigThe Search for the Origin of Cosmic Rays
3/12/13Zohar KomargodskiWeizmann Institute and IASSteve ShenkerNew Observations about Quantum Field Theory
Fall 2012/13

Committee: Andrei Linde (Chr.), Risa Wechsler, Ian Fisher, Z.X. Shen & Bob Byer


10/02/12Steve Kahn and Hideo MabuchiStanford Physics and Applied Physics Depts.N/AState of the Departments
10/09/12Savas DimopoulosStanford Physics Dept.A. Linde"What has the LHC done to theory?"
10/16/12Teun KlapwijkDelft University of TechnologyZ-X ShenSuperconductivity and THz photons
10/23/12Philip KimColumbia Univ.Harold HwangToward Quantum Electronics based on 2-Dimensional Materials and Beyond
10/30/12Daniel PalankerDept. of Ophthalmology and Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford UniversityDavid Goldhaber-GordonPhotovoltaic Retinal Prosthesis for Restoring Sight to the Blind
11/06/12Risa WechslerStanford UniversitySteve KahnProbing the Physics of the Dark Universe with Galaxies
11/13/12Shoucheng ZhangStanford UniversityA. LindeTopological Insulators and Topological Superconductors
11/20/12Thanksgiving RecessNo Colloq.  
11/27/12Chandra VarmaUniv. of Calif, RiversideSteve KivelsonHiggs Bosons in Superconductors
Spring Quarter 2011/12

Committee:  Peter Michelson (Chr.), David Goldhaber-Gordon, Steve Block


4/3/2012Jungsang Kim                Duke University                           Host:    Benjamin Lev

Modular Universal Scalable Ion-trap Quantum Computer (MUSICQC): 

Engineering a Practical Quantum Computer

4/10/2012Shanti DeemyadUniv. of Utah, College of ScienceHost:  Shibing WangNon-Trivial Physics of Simple Elements at High Densities:  En-Route to Metallic Hydrogen and Insulating Lithium
4/17/2012Geoffrey West - 2012 Robert Hofstadter Memorial LecturerSanta Fe InstituteHost:  Leonard SusskindUniversal Scaling Laws from Cells to Cities; A Physicist's Search for Quantitative, Unified Theories of Biological and Social Structure and Dynamics
4/24/2012Giorgio GrattaStanford UniversityHost:  Peter MichelsonNeutrinos from Hell: The Dawn of Neutrino Geophysics
5/01/2012Andreas HeinrichIBM AlmadenHost:  David Goldhaber-GordonThe Quantum and Classical Properties of Spins on Surfaces
5/08/2012Lorraine SadlerSandia LabsHost:  Erzsi SzilagyiElectro-optic detection of ionizing radiation
5/15/2012Pablo Jarillo-Herrero MITHost:  David Goldhaber-Gordon2D or not 2D, Quantum Transport and Optoelectronics in Novel Low-Dimensional Materials
5/22/2012Christopher FuchsPerimeter InstituteHost:  Hideo MabuchiQuantum Theory from Quantum Information?  (What would Feynman say?)
5/29/2012Walter GekelmanUCLAHost:  Tom AbelMagnetic Field Line Reconnection of Flux Ropes
6/05/2012FINALS WEEKNo Colloq. Scheduled  
Winter Quarter 2011/12

Committee:  Tom Abel (Chr.), Savas Dimopoulos, Daniel Fisher


1/10/2012Stanley WojcickiStanford University               Host:  Savas Dimopoulos   Measuring Neutrino Velocity: Current Status and Future Prospects  
1/17/2012Seth ShostakSETI InstituteStudent Host:  Nicole AckermanNew Approaches in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
1/24/2012Erez Lieberman-Aiden Havard Society of Fellows, Visiting Faculty at GoogleHost:  David Goldhaber-GordonZooming out: Global structure in the Historical Record and the Human Genome
1/31/2012Bruce MacintoshLawrence Livermore National LabsHost:  Tom AbelImaging Extrasolar Planets
2/07/2012Ignacio CiracMax Planck Institute, Garching, GermanyHost:  Savas DimopoulosDissipation:  A New Tool in Quantum Information Science
2/14/2012Markus GreinerHarvard UniversityHost:  Mark KasevichSynthetic Quantum Matter under the Microscope
2/21/2012Wojciech ZurekLANLHost:  Savas DimopoulosQuantum Theory of the Classical
2/28/2012Scott RansomNatl. Radio Astronomy ObservatoryHost:  Tom AbelBasic (but cool!) Physics with Millisecond Pulsars
3/06/2012NO COLLOQ. (cancelled)   
3/13/2012FINALS WEEK - No Colloq. Scheduled   
Fall Quarter 2011/12

Committee:  Phil Bucksbaum (Chr.), Steve Shenker & Bob Byer


9/27/2011Steve Kahn, SU Physics Chair and Hideo Mabuchi, AP ChairStanford University        Host:  Phil Bucksbaum"State of the Departments - Physics & Applied Physics"     
10/04/2011Giorgio GrattaStanford UniversityHost:  Stephen Shenker"Majorana Fermions and Neutrino Masses"
10/11/2011Siegfried GlenzerLawrence Livermore Natl. LabHost:  Phil Bucksbaum"Mega-joule Experiments on the National Ignition Facility - On the road to produce a microscopic star in the Laboratory"
10/18/2011Mark SchnitzerStanford UniversityHost:  Stephen Shenker"Of Mice, Men and Microscopes:  Watching Brain Dynamics at the Cellular Scale in Behaving Subjects"
10/25/2011Andrea Cavalleri CFEL, Hamburg, GermanyHost:  Phil Bucksbaum"Controlling Quantum Condensed Matter with Light"
11/01/2011Hidenori TakagiUniv. of Tokyo, JapanHost:  Harold Hwang"Emergent Phases of Correlated Electrons in Transition Metal Oxides"
11/08/2011Margaret MurnaneUniv. of Colorado at BoulderHost:  Phil Bucksbaum

"Science on the Timescale of the Electron:  Coherent keV X-rays from Tabletop Lasers
and Applications in Nanoscience"


11/15/2011Yong-Baek Kim  University of TorontoHost:  Steve Shenker"Topological Phases in Correlated Materials"
11/22/2011THANKSGIVING RECESS- No Colloquium Scheduled   
11/29/2011Mara PrentissHarvard UniversityStudent Host:  Limor SpectorNew Insights into Homology Recognition and Strand Exchange with Implications for Artificial Self-Assembly and Protein Folding
12/06/2011FINALS WEEK - No colloquium!   
Spring 2010/2011

Committee:  Yoshi Yamamoto (Chair.; AP), Doug Osheroff, Roger Blandford


03/29/2011Yosi AvronTechnion, IsraelHost:  Shoucheng ZhangBaron von Munchhausen and the Cat
04/05/2011Hofstadter lecture by David MerminCornell Univ.Host: Lenny SusskindWhat has Quantum Mechanics to do with Factoring?
04/12/2011Joel FajansUC BerkeleyHost: Doug OsheroffHow to Create and Trap Anti-Hydrogen
04/19/2011Ned WrightUCLAHost:  Roger BlandfordExploring the Universe with WISE
04/26/2011Bob SchoenleinLBLHost: Student host Erzsi SzilagyiUltrafast Science and the Next Generation X-Ray Laser Array at the Berkeley Lab
05/03/2011David WinelandNISTHost:  Yoshi YamamotoTrapped-ion Quantum Information Experiments at NIST
05/10/2011Philip W. PhillipsUniv.of IllinoisStudent Host: Aaron StreetsMottness and Holography: Strange Metal from UV-IR Mixing
05/17/2011Rob Schoelkopf  - CANCELLED                       Yale                                                    Host:  Yoshi YamamotoEntanglement and Quantum Algorithms with Superconducting Circuits -CANCELLED
05/24/2011Alex SzalayJohns Hopkins UniversityHost:  Roger BlandfordExtreme Data Intensive Computing in Astrophysics
05/31/2011Wilson Ho                              UC Irvine                               Host:  Doug Osheroff                                    Visualization of Quantum Mechanics
Winter 2010/2011

 Committee:  Seb Doniach (Chair), Leonardo Senatore, Harold Hwang (AP)


01/04/2011Andrew MacKenzieUniv. of St. AndrewsHost:  Harold HwangComplex Oxides:  A New Playground for Physics and Technology
01/11/2011Eric AdelbergerUniv. of WashingtonHost:  Mark KasevichA Low-Energy Frontier of Particle Physics
01/18/2011Assa AuerbachTechnion, IsraelHost: Seb DoniachElementary Particles of Superconductivity
01/25/2011Anthony LeonardoJanelia Farm Research CampusHost: Hideo MabuchiGuidance Laws Underlying Prey Capture in the Salamander and Dragonfly
02/01/2011Nima Arkani-HamedInstitute for Advanced StudyHost:  Leonardo SenatoreSpace-Time, Quantum Mechanics and Scattering Amplitudes
02/08/2011Gerard WongUCLAHost:  Seb DoniachCondensed Matter Physics and Bacteria
02/15/2011Jelena VuckovicStanford UniversityHost: Ian Fisher?Quantum Dots in Optical Nanocavities:  From Cavity QED to Device Applications
02/22/2011Chao-Lin KuoStanford UniversityHost: Steve KahnScience with Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization
03/01/2011James RosenzweigUCLAStudent Host:  Limor SpectorPlasma Acceleration:  High Energy Physics Meets High Energy Density Physics
03/08/2011Louis TailleferCanadian Institute for           Advanced ResearchHost:   Harold Hwang                       The Two Mysteries of Superconductivity                                              
03/15/2011FINALS WEEKNO COLLOQ.!!!  
Fall 2010/2011

Committee:  Eva Silverstein (Chair), Z.X. Shen and Mark Schnitzer (AP)


9/28/2010Tony TysonUC DavisHost:  Nicholas BreznayMining the Sky for Dark Energy
10/05/2010Kerry VahalaCaltechHost:  Mark SchnitzerCavity Optomechanics
10/12/2010Kent IrwinNISTHost:  Kam MolerThe Physics of Superconducting Calorimeters:  Applications in Nuclear Security
10/19/2010Bert HalperinHarvard UniversityHost:  S. ZhangInterferometery in a Quantized Hall State
10/26/2010Phil BucksbaumStanford & SLACHost:  Z-X ShenAMO Physics with Ultrafast Short Wavelength Coherent Radiation
11/02/2010Sung-Sik LeeMcMaster UniversityHost:  Eva SilversteinEmergent Supersymmetry and String in Condensed Matter Systems
11/09/2010Boris ShraimanKITP/UCSBHost:  Eva SilversteinUnexpected Physics in Biology
11/16/2010Jeffrey RichmanUCSBHost:  Eva SilversteinExploring the TeV Energy Scale at the Large Hadron Collider
11/30/2010Stefan FunkStanford UniversityHost:  Steve KahnThe Extreme Universe Observed in Gamma-rays
Spring 2009/1010
03/30/2010Dan GreenFermilabHost:  Stan WojcickiThe Status of the CERN Large Hadron Collider
04/06/2010K. C. ColeUSC, School of JournalismHost:  Stan WojcickiThe Uncle of the Atom Bomb:  Frank Oppenheimer and the World He Made Up
04/13/2010Hofstadter Colloq. - Joachim StohrDirector Linac Coherent Light Source, SLACHost:  Doug OsheroffBirth of the X-Ray Laser:  Movies of the Dynamic Worlds of Atoms and Electrons
04/20/2010Marin SoljacicMITStudent Host:  Nicole Ackerman WiTricity -- Non-Radiative Wireless Power Transfer
04/27/2010William BoruckiNASAHost:  Tom AbelStatus of the Kepler Mission and Early Discoveries
05/04/2010David J. PineNew York UniversityHost:  Daniel FisherColloidal Self-Assembly and Replication
05/11/2010JB StraubelCTO, Tesla MotorsHost:  Patricia BurchatEnergy Storage for Electric Vehicles
05/18/2010Michael Turner Univ. ChicagoHost:  Roger BlandfordInflation:  Time for a Change?
05/25/2010Claire GmachlPrinceton UniversityStudent Host:  Nicholas BreznayMid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers
06/01/2010Mark BowickSyracuse UniversityHost:  A. KapitulnikTwo-Dimensional Matter:  Order, Curvature and Defects
Winter 2009/2010
01/05/2010Bob LaughlinStanford Univ.HOST:   Shoucheng ZhangHere Comes the Sun
01/12/2010John March-RussellOxford Univ.HOST:  Savas DimopoulosExploring String Axions and Photini with Astrophysics, Cosmology, and the LHC
01/19/2010Victor YakovenkoUniv. of MarylandHOST:  Shoucheng ZhangStatistical Mechanics of Money, Income, and Wealth
01/26/2010Nemanja KaloperUC DavisHOST:  Savas DimopoulosOut of Darkness:  The Quest for Lambda
02/02/2010Eliot QuataertUniv. of Calif., BerkeleyHOST:  Tom AbelThe Transient Revolution in Astrophysics
02/09/2010Philippe BouyerPolytechnique in FranceHOST:  Geert Vrijsen (Student Host)Simulating Quantum Transport in Atoms and Light
02/16/2010Jan LiphardtUC BerkeleyHOST:  Steve QuakeThe Evolving Intersection of Physics and Biology
02/23/2010Thomas GregorPrinceton Univ.HOST:  Mike MinarThe Onset of Collective Behavior in Cell Populations of the Social Amoebae
03/02/2010Patrick LeeMITHOST:  Shoucheng ZhangAn End to the Drought of Quantum Spin Liquid
03/09/2010Albert FertOrsayHOST:  Shoucheng ZhangSpintronics:  Recent Developments and Perspective
03/16/2010FINALS WEEKNO COLLOQ.!!!  
Fall 2009/2010
9/29/2009Tom AbelStanford Univ.Host:  Seb DoniachStar Formations Then and Now
10/06/2009Hideo MabuchiStanford Univ.Host:  Seb DoniachFrom Jaynes-Cummings to Rouse-Zimm:  Interdisciplinary Quantum Optics
10/13/2009Irfan SiddiqiUC BerkeleyHost:  Julie Bert (student host)Quantum Noise in Josephson's "Frictionless" Pendulum
10/20/2009Harold HwangUniv. of TokyoHost:  Z.-X. ShenAtomic Engineering Oxide Heterointerfaces
10/27/2009Taekjip HaUniv of IllinoisHost: Steve BlockRevisiting the Double Helix
11/03/2009Joseph FormaggioMITHost:  Giorgio GrattaWeighing Neutrinos
11/10/2009Eric J. HellerHarvard Univ.Host:  Hari ManoharanStalking the Two-Dimensional Electron
11/17/2009David AwschalomUCSBHost:  Shoucheng ZhangEngineering Semiconductors and Engaging Diamonds for Spintronics
12/01/2009Risa WechslerStanford Univ.Host:  Pat BurchatGalaxy Formation Insights from the Evolution of Structure
12/08/2009Siegfried S HeckerStanford Univ.Host:  Seb DoniachPlutonium Metallurgy:  From 5f Electrons to Bombs
Spring 2008/2009
4/7/2009Alex VilenkinTufts UniversityHost: Lenny SusskindMeasures of the Multiverse
4/14/2009Moti SegevTechnion, IsraelHost: Steve HarrisAnderson Localization of Light
4/21/2009Ron RuthSLACHost: Pat BurchatA Miniature Synchrotron using Inverse Compton Scattering: Basic Principles and Initial Experiments
4/28/2009Julie TheriotStanford - Biochem. Dept.Host: Daniel FisherMechanics and Dynamics of Cell Movement
5/5/2009Adam BurrowsPrinceton UniversityHost: Tom AbelHow do Stars Explode? Mechanisms of Core-Collapse Supernovae
5/12/2009Hari ManoharanStanford UniversityHost: Pat BurchatPeeking at the Berry Phase in Dirac Materials
5/19/2009Leonardo SenatoreInstitute for Advanced Study,
Joint Colloquium
Non-Gaussianities: Probing High Energy Physics with Cosmological Observations
Time: 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.  (Refreshments: 4:00pm)
Location: Panofsky Auditorium, SLAC
5/26/2009Sidney NagelUniv. of ChicagoHost: Daniel FisherThe Life and Death of a Drop:  Topological Transitions and Singularities in Fluids
6/02/2009Arthur RamirezUniv. of CA, Santa CruzHost:  Doug OsheroffHow Do Organic Semiconductors Work?
Winter 2008/2009
1/6/2009NO COLLOQUIUM   
1/13/2009Janet ConradMITHost: Nicole AckermanNu Directions in the Search for New Physics
1/20/2009Rashid SunyaevMax Planck Institute, GermanyHost: Tom AbelThe Physics of Cosmological Recombination
1/27/2009Peter GrahamStanford UniversityHost: Savas DimopoulosAstrophysical Probes of Unification
2/3/2009Nader EnghetaPenn. StateHost: Jon SchullerCircuits with Light at the Nanoscale
2/10/2009Laura GreeneUniv. of IllinoisHost: Julie BertAndreev Reflection in Heavy Fermion Superconductors: Focus on CeCoIn5
2/17/2009Seth PuttermanUCLAHost: Giorgio GrattaTowards XRay and Fusion Mems
2/24/2009Mark KasevichStanford UniversityHost: Eva SilversteinAtom Interferometry
3/3/2009Stuart RabyOhio StateHost: Savas DimopoulosThe Puzzle of Charge and Mass
3/10/2009Sandra FaberUCSChost: Tom AbelGalaxy Evolution Over the Last Two-Thirds of Cosmic Time
3/17/2009Paul KushnerUniv. of Torontohost: Eva SilversteinClimate Sensitivity and Climate Models
Fall 2008
9/23/2008Alexei KitaevCaltechhost: Shoucheng ZhangTopological Quantum Computation
9/30/2008Jun YeJILA, NIST, Univ. of Coloradohost: Bob ByerPrecision Quantum Metrology
10/7/2008David Goldhaber-GordonStanford Universityhost: Shoucheng ZhangTransport in Graphene: Analogies between Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Electrons in a Single Layer of Carbon Atoms?
10/14/2008Chetan NayakUCSBhost: Eva SilversteinTopological Quantum Computation
10/21/2008Bill HalperinNorthwestern Universityhost: Aharon KapitulnikUnconventional Pairing and Impurities in Superfluid 3He
10/28/2008Peter MichelsonStanford Universityhost: Chao-Lin KuoFermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope: First Light
11/04/2008Uros SeljakUC Berkeleyhost: Eva SilversteinProbing Fundamental Physics with Cosmological Observations
11/11/2008Ronald WalsworthHarvard Universityhost: Michael MinarFrom Astrophysics to Bioimaging: New Applications of Physics Tools
11/18/2008Nergis MavalvalaMIThost: Giorgio GrattaQuantum Mechanics on Giant Scales
11/25/2008NO COLLOQUIUM-Thanksgiving Recess   
12/02/2008Wayne HuUniv. of Chicagohost: Chao-Lin Kuo 
12/09/2008No colloq.   
Spring 2008
4/1/2008Yi CuiStanford Universityhost: P. MichelsonNanowire Materials for Energy and Nanoelectronics
4/8/2008Larry AbbottColumbia Universityhost: L. SusskindHofstadter Lecture: "Who's Afraid of Chaotic Networks? Models of Sensory and Motor Processing in the Face of Spontaneous Neuronal Activity"
4/15/2008Alan WatsonUniv. of Leeds, P. MichelsonIs the Search for the Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Over?
4/22/2008Gary Sanders and Brent EllerbroekCaltechhost: R. Byer"The Thirty Meter Telescope Project: Opening the Next Generation of Giant Telescopes" by Gary Sanders (30 mins.) and "Adaptive Optics for the Thirty Meter Telescope" by Brent Ellerbroek (30 mins.)
4/29/2008Lenny SusskindStanford Universityhost: Eva SilversteinNegative Curvature
5/6/2008Anthony MezzacappaOak Ridge Natl. Labhost: G. GrattaAscertaining the Core Collapse Supernova Explosion Mechanism through High-Performance Computing
5/13/2008Rick GaitskellBrown Universityhost: B. CabreraA Noble Endeavor - Looking for Dark Matter
5/27/2008Matias ZaldarriagaHarvard Universityhost: E. SilversteinCosmology: Present Status and Future Prospects
6/3/2008Scott HubbardStanford Universityhost: P. MichelsonExamining the Vision for Space Exploration: Workshop Findings
Winter 2008
1/15/2008Steve AllenStanford Univ. & SLAChost: E. SilversteinNew Cosmological Constraints from X-ray Studies of Galaxy Clusters
1/29/2008Ned WingreenPrinceton R. LaughlinModeling the Chemosensing System of E. coli
2/5/2008Lars BildstenUCSBhost: R. BlandfordExplosions in Accreting White Dwarfs: From Novae to Supernovae
2/12/2008Juan CollarUniv. of Chicagohost: G. GrattaSomething Old, Something New
2/19/2008Mike DeweeseUniv. of CA at Berkeleyhost: E. SilversteinOne Physicist's View of the Cortex
2/26/2008Arthur BienenstockStanford P. BurchatOther Faces of the American Physical Society
3/4/2008Sam WaldmanCaltechhost: G. GrattaLooking Towards Gravitational Wave Astronomy
3/11/2008Scott TremaineInstitute for Adv. Studyhost: R. BlandfordThe Long-Term Evolution of Planetary Orbits
Fall 2007
9/25/2007Wendy FreedmanCarnegie Observatorieshost: R. BlandfordMeasuring Cosmological Parameters
10/2/2007Misha LukinHarvardhost: M. KasevichControlling Single Nuclei and Lighting Nanowires: New Frontiers of Quantum Optical Science
10/9/2007Shoucheng ZhangStanford Seb DoniachQuantum Spin Hall Effect
10/16/2007Chuck SteidelCaltechhost: R. BlandfordUnderstanding Galaxy Formation: What are we Missing?
10/23/2007Immanuel BlochJ. Gutenberg-Universitathost: M. KasevichExploring Quantum Matter with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices
10/30/2007Neal WeinerNew York Universityhost: S. DimopoulosIlluminating Dark Matter
11/6/2007David Goldhaber-GordonStanfordhost: S. KachruDesigner Hamiltonians in the Laboratory: Observation of Many Body Physics in a Semiconductor Nanostructure
11/13/2007Dam Thanh SonUniv. of Washingtonhost: S. KachruViscosity, Black Holes and Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
11/27/2007Peter ZollerUniv. of Innsbrookhost: M. KasevichQuantum Information anf Condensed Matter Physics with Quantum Optical Systems
12/4/2007Nigel GoldenfeldUniv. of Illinoishost: S. DoniachBiocomplexity in Action: Pattern Formation and Microbial Ecology at Yellowstone's Hot Springs
12/11/2007Yuk YungCaltechhost: R. BlandfordEvolution of Planetary Atmospheres
Spring 2007
4/3/2007L. MahadevanHarvard studentsGeometric Mechanics: From the Atomic to the Tectonic
4/10/2007Frans PretoriusPrinceton E. SilversteinSimulations of Black Hole Collisions
4/17/2007Peter GorhamUniv. of Hawaiihost: G. GrattaUltra High Energy Cosmic Ray Neutrinos
4/24/2007Rob PhillipsCaltechhost: S. DoniachThe Physics of How Viruses Make New Viruses
5/1/2007John W. HarrisYale L. SusskindEvidence for a Quark-Gluon Plasma in the Laboratory
5/8/2007John MatherNASAhost: R. BlandfordFrom the Big Bang to the Nobel Prize and Beyond
5/15/2007Nathan SeibergInst. for Advanced Studyhost: E. SilversteinSupersymmetry and its Breaking
5/22/2007Eliot QuataertUC Berkeleyhost: E. SilversteinThe Rise and Fall of Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei
5/29/2007Amnon AharonyBen Gurion University, Israelhost: A. KapitulnikMesoscopic Physics, Quantum Dots and the Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer
6/5/2007Bonnie FlemingYale Universityhost: G. GrattaMiniBooNE Oscillation Results
Winter 2007
1/16/2007Guy DeutcherTel Aviv Universityhost: A. Kapitulnik"What are the High Tc Cuprates Good for?
1/23/2007John ClarkeUC Berkeleyhost: S. Kivelson"Coupled Flux Qubits with Controllable Interaction"
1/30/2007Alan TitleLockheed Martinhosts: P. Burchat & P. Scherrer"Following the Trail of the Magnetic Field from the Solar Interior through the Heliosphere"
2/6/2007Andy MacKenzieSt. Andrewshost: S. Kivelson"Quantum Criticality as a Driver for Discovery"
2/13/2007Ian FisherStanfordhost: Z.-X. Shen"Spin-dimer Compounds - Magnon BEC and the role of Crystal Structure"
2/20/2007Jonathan AronsUC Berkeleyhost: R. Blandford"Cosmic Pevatrons: The Excitation of Pulsar Wind Nebulae"
2/27/2007Greg BoebingerNatl. High Magnetic Field S. Kivelson"Is a Quantum Phase Transition Underlying High-Temperature Superconductivity?"
Autumn 2006
10/3/2006Azadeh TabazadehStanfordhost: V. PetrosianGreenhouse Gas Versus Aerosol Forcing of Climate Change
10/10/2006Mark SchnitzerStanfordhost: A. KapitulnikBiophysical approaches to the study of mammilian brain circuits
10/17/2006Uwe BergmannSLAChost: A. KapitulnikSecrets in the Ancient Goatskin: Archimedes' Writings under X-Ray Vision
10/24/2006Aharon KapitulnikStanford Broken Time Reversal Symmetry States in Novel Superconductors
10/25/2006Michael BrownCaltechhost: V. PetrosianBunyan Lecture: Pluto, Eris, and the Dwarf Planets of the Solar System
10/31/2006Michael CrommieBerkeleyhost: S. KivelsonExploring and Manipulating Fullerenes at the Single Molecule Level
11/7/2006Calvin QuateStanfordhost: R. ByerAnother Era in Imaging -Scanning Probes
11/14/2006Prof. Tony TysonUC Davishost: Peter MichelsonThe New Digital Sky: Probes of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
11/21/2006None  Thanksgiving Recess
11/28/2006Dr. Taekjip HaUniv. of Illinoishost: S. DoniachSingle Molecule Views of Nature's Nano-Machines
12/5/2006Dr. Eugene DemlerHarvard S. KivelsonStrongly Correlated Quantum Systems: From Electronic Materials to Cold Atoms
Spring 2006
4/3/2006Jim CroninUniv. of Chicagohost: FetterHofstadter public lecture, Monday: "Cosmic Rays: A Fascinating Scientific History"
4/4/2006Hofstadter colloquium: "The Pierre Auger Observatory for Highest Energy Cosmic Rays"   
4/10/2006Joel R. Primack; Nancy Ellen AbramsUC Santa Cruz; Attorney/WriterKIPAC & PhysicsSpecial colloquium, Monday, 7:30pm, Hewlett room 200, "The View from the Center of the Universe"
4/11/2006Krishna RajagopalMIThost: Silverstein"The Condensed Matter Astrophysics of QCD"
4/18/2006Hideo MabuchiCaltechhost: Yamamoto"Measurement, Control and Quantum Information"
4/25/2006Shri KulkarniCaltechhost: Silverstein"Cosmic Explosions: Known and Knowable"
5/02/2006Lance DixonSLAChost: Silverstein"Twistor Spinoffs for Collider Physics"
5/09/2006Boris AltshulerColumbiahost: Kapitulnik"Many-Body Localization"
5/16/2006Raphael BoussoUC Berkeleyhost: Silverstein"The Cosmological Constant Problem and the Landscape of String Theory"
5/23/2006Daniel GottesmanPerimeter Institutehost: Silverstein"Private Key and Public Key Quantum Cryptography"
5/30/2006Christopher MonroeUniv. of Michiganhost: Yamamoto"Quantum Networks and Ion Trap Quantum Computers"
6/6/2006Subir SachdevHarvard Silverstein"Detecting Quantum Duality in the Cuprate Superconductors"
Winter 2006
1/10/2006Daniel FisherHarvard Univhost: Kivelson"Is evolution understood? Quantitative questions from a statistical mechanic"
1/17/2006Edward BaltzKIPAC/SLAChost: Kahn"Solving the Dark Matter Problem"
1/24/2006Rob GoldstonPrinceton Plasma Physics Labhost: Gratta"Advances in Magnetic Fusion Science and the ITER Project"
1/31/2006John TranquadaBrookhavenhost: Kivelson"Seeing Stripes in High Temperature Superconductors"
2/07/2006Tor RaubenheimerSLAChost: Kahn"The International Linear Collider: Accelerator Physics and Design Challenges"
2/14/2006Jeff KimbleCalTechhost: Hui Deng"Quantum Optics with Single Atoms and Photons"
2/21/2006Carol ChristianSpace Telescope Science Kahn"Science, Satellites, and Foreign policy"
2/28/2006Richard PackardUC Berkeleyhost: Kivelson"Superfluid weak links: physics and applications"
3/7/2006Ady SternWeismann Institutehost: Goldhaber-Gordon'Quantum Twists and Slits: Unconventional "anyonic" statistics on the way from Theory-land to Experimental Demonstrations'
3/14/06Miklos GyulassyColumbia Kahn" The Quark Gluon Plasma at RHIC/BNL"
Autumn 2005
10/4/2005Jun YeJILAhost: Kasevich"Precision measurement meets ultrafast science"
10/11/2005Joachim StöhrSSRL/SLAChost: Doniach"Magnetism and X-Rays: Past, Present and a Vision of the Future"
10/18/2005Leslie Berlin-host: Kasevich"The Man Behind the Microchip: Robert Noyce and the Invention of Silicon Valley"
10/25/2005Robert KirshnerHarvardhost: Blandford"A Blunder Undone: Supernova Cosmology and the Accelerating Universe"
11/1/2005Phuan OngPrincetonhost: Kivelson"Vortices and the loss of phase coherence in the high-temperature superconductors"
11/8/2005Seth PuttermanUCLAhost: Adam Cohen"Energy Concentrating Phenomena: From Sonoluminescence To Crystal Fusion"
11/14/2005David SpergelPrincetonhost: PetrosianBunyan Lecture (Monday) "Taking the Baby Picture of the Universe"
11/15/2005Colloquium (Tuesday) "Cosmology from WMAP and Beyond"   
11/22/2005None----Thanksgiving Recess
11/29/2005Robert BirgenauUC Berkeleyhost: Greven"High Temperature Superconductivity and Magnetism: Friends or Foes?"
12/6/2005------End Quarter Period
Spring 2005
3/29/2005Scott ThomasStanfordLenny SusskindThe Meaning of Naturalness 
4/05/2005Z.X. ShenStanfordDavid Goldhaber-GordonThe Photoelectric Effect Since Einstein 
4/12/2005Steve QuakeStanford Imaging Information in DNA 
4/19/2005C.W. Francis EverittStanfordBlas CabreraThe Gravity Probe B Flight Mission:A Stanford Physics-Engineering Partnership 
4/26/2005Nima Arkani-HamedHarvardSavas DimopoulosNaturalness versus the Landscape, or, Why does the Universe Appear Finely Tuned? 
5/03/2005Sarah ChurchStanfordPat BurchatThe QUaD CMB Polarization Experiment 
5/10/2005Gerald GabrielseHarvardGiorgio GrattaOne-Electron Quantum Cyclotron: First Fully-Quantum Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment, and a Greatly Improved Value for the Fine Structure Constant 
5/17/2005Jim EisensteinCaltechDavid Goldhaber-GordonExciton Condensation and the Quantum Hall Effect 
5/24/2005Peter GalisonHarvardSandy FetterThe Assassin of RelativityHofstadter Lecture
Winter 2005
1/4/2005Markus GreinerJILA BoulderMark KasevichFermion Condensates
1/11/2005David AwschalomUCSBDavid Goldhaber-GordonSpintronics: Semiconductors, Molecules and Quantum Information Processing
1/18/2005Tom AbelStanford University & Kavli InstituteDavid Goldhaber-GordonThe First Stars
1/25/2005Dan RugarIBM Almaden Research CenterDavid Goldhaber-GordonSingle Spin Detection by Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy
2/1/2005Jacob BekensteinHebrew University of JerusalemBob WagonerGravitation and the bounds on information
2/8/2005Moses ChanPenn State UniversityDoug OsheroffCan a Solid be a Superfluid?
2/15/2005Glenn StarkmanCase Western Reserve UniversitySavas DimopoulosIs the low-l Microwave Background Cosmic?
2/22/2005Maria SpiropuluCERNSavas Dimopoulos**Cancelled** (was: 14 TeV Physics)
3/1/2005Andreas WallraffYale UniversityDavid Goldhaber-GordonQuantum Optics and Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits
Autumn 2004
9/28/2004Boris KayserFermilabS. WojcickiThe Neutrino World: Present and Future
10/5/2004Burt RichterSLACPeter MichelsonGambling with the Future: Energy, Environment & Economics in the 21st Century
10/12/2004Jason HoOSUShoucheng ZhangThe Exploding Field of Quantum Gases
10/19/2004Wolfgang KetterleMITMark KasevichBose-Einstein Condensation of Atoms, Molecules and Fermion Pairs
10/26/2004Bill AtwoodUC Santa CruzPeter MichelsonPhysics of Violins
11/2/2004Charlie MarcusHarvardDGG and Kam MolerQuantum Circuits
11/9/2004Joe PolchinskiUC Santa BarbaraDavid Goldhaber-GordonCosmic Superstrings
11/16/2004Jim EisensteinCaltechDavid Goldhaber-Gordon**Cancelled** -- Exciton Condensation and the Quantum Hall Effect
11/16/2004Anatoly SpitkovskyKIPAC, Stanford University "The Incredible Double Pulsar -- A Laboratory for General Relativity, Nuclear Physics and Relativistic Plasma Physics"
11/23/2004Marlan ScullyTexas A&M & PrincetonSteve HarrisCoherent Control: From QED to DNA
11/30/2004Ed LuNASAVahe' PetrosianMoving, Manipulating and Mining Astroids
Spring 2003-2004
3/29/04Carl WiemanJILA, University of Colorado2004 Robert Hoftadter Memorial Lecture
3/30/04Carl WiemanJILA, University of ColoradoResonant BEC: a New Macroscopic Quantum System
4/6/04Tom SoiferCaltechThe Spitzer Space Telescope: NASA's Newest Great Observatory
4/13/04Deborah JinUniversity of ColoradoCondensates of Fermionic Atom Pairs
4/20/04Robert CahnUniversity of California, BerkeleyElementary Quantum Mechanics and the Newly Discovered Particles
4/27/04Ian ShipseyPurdue UniversityBringing Hearing to the Deaf Cochlear Implants: a Technical and Personal Account
5/4/04Mark KasevichStanford UniversityControl of Non-Classical States of Matter
5/11/04Barbara JacakState University of New York, Stony BrookA New Kind of Matter at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider?
5/18/04Shoucheng ZhangStanford UniversityDissipationless Quantum Spin Current
5/25/04Nathan S. LewisCalifornia Institute of TechnologyTitle: TBA
6/1/04Blas CabreraStanford UniversityTitle: TBA
Winter 2003-2004
1/6/04Geoff MarcyUniversity of California, BerkeleyPlanetary Systems
1/13/04Shamit KachruSLAC/Stanford Physics DepartmentCosmology on the String Theory Landscape
1/20/04Amir YacobyWeizmann InstituteSpin - Charge Separation and Localization in One - Dimension Measured Using Momentum Resolved Tunneling.
1/27/04Howard GeorgiHarvard UniversityWomen and the Future of Physics
2/3/04Misha LukinHarvard UniversityQuantum Control of Photons and Atoms
2/10/04Doug ScalapinoUniversity of California, Santa Barbara(HTS and Wireless)
2/17/04Stefan WesterhoffColumbia UniversityHiRes: Mapping the High Energy Universe
2/24/04Daniel KleppnerMITIs a Boost-Phase Missile Defense System Feasible?
3/2/04Ned WingreenPrinceton UniversityE. Coli's Division Decision: Modeling Min-Protein Oscillations
3/9/04Dr. John L. CallasJet Propulsion LaboratoryThe Mars Exploration Rovers: The Corps of Discovery for Mars
Autumn 2003-2004
9/30/03Stan WoosleyUniversity of California, Santa CruzGamma-Ray Bursts: Nature's Grandest Explosions
10/07/03Doug OsheroffStanford UniversityUnderstanding the Columbia Shuttle Accident
10/14/03Herbert WaltherMax-Planck Inst. for Quantum OpticsQuantum Optics of Single Atoms
10/21/03Tom BaerCEO/founder, Arcturus, Mt. ViewSystems for Microgenomics: Tools for Understanding the Fundamental Physics and Chemistry of Normal and Diseased Cells.
10/28/03Mark RaizenUniversity of Texas, AustinNew Frontiers in Controlling the Motion of Matter with Light: from Single Atoms to Neurons
11/04/03Steven H. SimonLucent Technologies, Bell LabsThe Unexpected Physics in Modern Wireless Communication: Replicas, Diffusions, and Supersymmetry for Fun and Profit
11/11/03Max TegmarkUniversity of Pennsylvania, MITCosmology with SDSS and WMAP
11/18/03Andy MacKenzieUniversity of St. Andrews, ScotlandSr2RuO4 - a superconducting analogue of superfluid 3He?
11/25/03Kevin LeskoUniversity of California, BerkeleyTitle: The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory: Determination of Solar Neutrino Mixing Parameters with Salty Water
12/02/03David P. DeMilleYale UniversityFundamental Physics with Diatomic Molecules: From CP Violation to Quantum Computation Also: Kirkpatrick Award to be presented
Spring 2002-2003
4/1/03Phil BucksbaumUniversity of MichiganUltrafast Optical Control Of Quantum Dynamics
4/8/03Gary HinshawNASATaking the Measure of the Universe: Cosmology from the WMAP Mission
4/15/03David G. StorkRicoh Innovations and Stanford UniversityDid the Great Masters "Cheat" Using Optics? The Mysterious Rise in Naturalism in Renaissance Painting
4/22/03Christopher ChybaStanford University and SETITitle: The Comet and Asteroid Impact Hazards
4/29/03David WeitzHarvard UniversityTitle: TBA, Note change in location: Building 420-041, Jordan Hall (Psychology Building)
5/6/03Dan RalphCornell UniversityQuantum States in Metal Nanoparticles and Single Molecules
5/20/03Roger FalconeUC, BerkeleyTitle: TBA
5/27/03David GriffithsReed CollegeTeaching, Writing, and Doing Physics
Winter 2002-2003
1/14/03J. C. Seamus DavisUniversity of California, BerkeleyTitle TBA
1/21/03Steve GirvinYale UniversitySuperconducting Quantum Bits that (Really!) Work
1/27/03Alan GuthMITHofstadter Lecture on Monday, January 27, 2003 at 8:00 pm
1/28/03Alan GuthMITTitle TBA (Hofstadter Lecturer)
2/4/03K.C. ColeLos Angles Times, UCLALost in the Translation: Writing about Science for the General Public
2/11/03Hitoshi MurayamaUniversity of California, BerkeleyTitle TBA
2/25/03John BeacomFermilabFrontiers in Neutrino Astrophysics
3/4/03Brian WandellStanford UniversityComputational Neuroimaging: Measuring the Mind
Autumn 2002-2003
10/1/02Joanne HewettStanford Linear Accelerator CenterExploring the Fabric of Spacetime
10/8/02Sergey BrinGoogle, Co-Founder & President, TechnologyGoogle: Climbing the Technology Ladder
10/15/02M.M NietoLos Alamos National LaboratoryA Mission To Test The Pioneer Anomaly
10/22/02Giorgio GrattaStanford UniversityHow Much Does a Neutrino Weigh?
10/29/02Dick BondUniversity of TorontoThe Cosmic Microwave Background and Inflation, Then and Now
11/5/02Immanuel BlochLudwig-Maximilians-University of Munich & Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics, GarchingSeeing the Particles Beneath the Waves - Beyond Mean Field, Physics with Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices
11/12/02Andrei LindeStanford UniversityInflation, Dark Energy, and the Fate of the Universe
11/19/02John WikswoVanderbilt UniversityThe Physics of the Heart
11/26/02David KirkbyUniversity of California, IrvineThrough the Looking Glass: What's the Matter with Antimatter?
Spring 2001-2002
4/2/02Hendrik SchoenBell LabsTransport Phenomena in Molecular Crystals
4/9/02Professor Margaret MurnaneUniversity of ColoradoHow to Make Atoms Sing and Molecules Dance - Using Shaped Light Pulses to Observe and Control Nature
4/16/02Paul CorkumNational Research Council of CanadaSub-Laser-Cycle Electron Pulses For Probing Molecular Dynamics
4/23/02Rafi de PicciottoLucent's Bell LabsTitle: Resistanceless Ballistic Quantum Wires
4/30/02Gary WilliamsUniversity of California, Los AngelesLuminescence from Laser-Induced Bubbles in Water and Cryogenic Liquids
5/7/02Mark J. SchnitzerBell Laboratories, Lucent TechnologiesTitle: "New Fiber- and Micro-Optic Approaches to in vivo Brain Imaging"
5/14/02Prof. Gabriel KotliarRutgers UniversityDynamical Mean-Field Theory and Predicting The Properties of Plutonium
5/21/02Professor James GatesUniversity of MarylandSuperstrings: Einstein's Theory at the New Millennium
5/28/02Professor Aharon KapitulnikApplied Physics and Physics, Stanford UniversityTests for Corrections to Newton's Gravity at sub-mm Scales.
6/4/02No regularly-scheduled Colloquium until Autumn  
Winter Quarter 2001/2002
1/15/02Barry BarishCaltechLIGO and the Search for Gravitational Waves
1/22/02Professor Theodor W. HänschMax-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, and Sektion Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, GermanyCounting with the Speed of Light
1/29/02Steve KivelsonUniversity of California, Los AngelesLocally Crystalline Electron Liquids
2/12/02(no colloquium today) Hofstadter Colloquium and Lecture 2/13 and 2/14
2/13/01 - 4:00 pm Hofstadter ColloquiumEric CornellUniversity of ColoradoArtifice and Equilibrium Experiments with Synthetic and Natural Vortices in a Superfluid Gas
2/14/01 - 8:00 pm Hofstadter LectureEric CornellUniversity of ColoradoStone Cold Science Bose-Einstein Condensation and the Weird World of Physics a Millionth of a Degree from Absolute Zero
2/19/02Dr. Arthur WolfeUniversity of California, San DiegoTitle TBA
Autumn Quarter 2001/2002
10/2/01Professor David HertzogUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignTitle: How the Muon's Spin Challenges the Standard ModelThe David Levine and Paul Kirkpatrick Awards will be presented before the lecture.
10/9/01Professor Mike JuraUniversity of California, Los AngelesTitle: Other Solar Systems 
10/16/01Professor Josh KleinUniversity of PennsylvaniaTitle: Unraveling the Solar Neutrino Problem at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory 
10/23/01Professor Walter HarrisonStanford UniversityTitle: How Electronic Structure Got Simple 
10/30/01Professor Art RosenfeldCommissioner, California Energy CommissionTitle: Fixing 2/3 of California's Electricity Problem via Efficiency, Real Time Pricing, and Demand Response 
11/6/01Professor Karl van BibberLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryTitle: A Search for Dark-Matter Axions 
11/13/01Dr. Gabriel AeppliNEC ResearchTitle: "Putting the Quantum Back into Magnetism" 
11/20/01Roger BlandfordCalifornia Institute of Technology"New Horizons in Black Hole Astrophysics" 
11/27/01Professor Steve BlockStanford UniversityLiving Nightmares: Facing the Growing Threat of Biological Weapons 
Spring 2001
4/3/01Professor Clifford JohnsonUniversity of DurhamTitle: Strings and Branes: New Tools for Tough Problems? 
4/10/01Professor Eli YablonovitchUniversity of California, Los AngelesTitle: Electron Spin Resonance Transistors, for Quantum Communication & Computing 
4/17/01Professor Greg LandsbergBrown UniversityTitle: Out-of-this-World Physics: Probing Quantum Gravity in the Lab 
4/24/01Dr. Xiaowei ZhuangStanford UniversityTitle: To Be Announced 
5/1/01To Be Announced   
5/8/01Professor John ClarkeUniversity of California, BerkeleyTitle: To Be Announced 
5/15/01To Be Announced   
5/22/01To Be Announced   
5/29/01Professor Michael Roukesthe California Institute of TechnologyTitle: To Be Announced 
Winter 2001
1/16/01Steve GirvinIndiana UniversityTitle: Physics of "Which layer?" Uncertainty 
1/23/01Andrei LindeStanford University Physics DepartmentTitle: To Be Announced 
1/30/01Marc KastnerMITTitle: The Kondo Effect in a Single-Electron Transistor 
2/6/01Nocholas BigelowUniversity of RochesterTitle: To Be Announced 
2/13/01Nima Arkani-HamedUniversity of California at BerkeleyTitle: To Be Announced 
2/20/01Mr. Tom SiegfriedScience Editor of The Dallas Morning NewsTitle: To Be Announced 
2/27/01Rene OngUniversity of California, Los AngelesTitle: The Violent Universe: Extending the Limits of Particle Physics and Astronomy 
3/6/01Lawrence J. HallUniversity of California at BerkeleyTitle: To Be Announced 
3/12/01 Monday evening
8:00 p.m. Hofstadter Lecture
Isabelle GrenierUniversity of ParisTitle: New Views of a Vibrant Universe 
3/13/01Isabelle Grenier Hofstadter LecturerUniversity of ParisTitle: Unidentified Gamma-ray sources in the Milky Way: A 25 year old mystery solved? 


Autumn 2000


10/3/00Saul PerlmutterSupernova Cosmology Project, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTitle: Supernovae, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Universe - What Next?
10/10/00Francis HalzenUniversity of Wisconsin, MadisonTitle: High Energy Neutrino Astronomy: Results from the South Pole
10/17/00Pat BurchatStanford UniversityTitle: To Be Announced
10/24/00Eric AdelbergerUniversity of WashingtonTitle: To Be Announced
10/31/00Henry AbarbanelDepartment of Physics and Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San DiegoTitle: Small Networks of Biological and Electronic Neurons
11/7/00Joel PrimackUC, Santa CruzTitle: The State of the Universe: Cold Dark Matter and all that
11/14/00Paul McEuenUC, BerkeleyTitle: To Be Announced
11/21/00Roger RomaniStanford UniversityTitle: To Be Announced
11/28/00Peter GalisonHarvardTitle: To Be Announced


Spring 2000
April 4, 2000; 8:00 PMIan R. FisherIowa State Univ., Ames, IASymmetry, energy scales and length scales: ways to look at the physics of new materials
April 11, 2000Charles TownesUC BerkeleyBehavior of Old Stars Observed by Infrared Spatial Interferometry (In conjunction with the Bunyan Lecture the next evening)
Apr. 18, 2000Dr. Raman SundrumStanford University 
Apr. 25, 2000Brian GreeneColumbia University 
May 2, 2000Ed HinesUniversity of Essex 
May 9, 2000Persi DiaconisStatistics and Math Departments, Stanford University