We welcome you to contact any of us with your ideas, as well as with any concerns you have about the current climate in the department.
inclusivephysics [at] (Or click here to send us an email.)
Recent research of interest
No intrinsic gender differences in children’s earliest numerical abilities
Kersey et al 2018
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Messages about brilliance undermine women's interest in educational and professional opportunities
Bian et al 2018
Fixed and growth mindsets in physics graduate admissions
Scherr et al 2017
Potvin et al 2017
Clancy et al 2017
Why are some STEM fields more gender balanced than others
Cheryan et al 2016
Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines
Leslie et al 2015
Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students
Moss-Racusin et al 2012
How stereotypes impair women’s careers in science
Reuben et al 2013
What’s in a Name: Exposing Gender Bias in Student Ratings of Teaching
MacNell et al 2012
The Paradox of Meritocracy in Organizations
Castilla & Benard 2010
Exploring the Color of Glass: Letters of Recommendation for Female and Male Medical Faculty
Trix & Penska 2003
Useful Resources
Equity and inclusion in physics and astronomy
- APS Statistics on Minorities and Women in Physics
- LGBT Climate in Physics Report from the APS Committee on LGBT Issues
- Vision Statement from the 2015 Inclusive Astronomy conference at Nashville
- LGBT+ Inclusivity in Physics and Astronomy: A Best Practices Guide, from lgbt+physicists and the AAS SGMA
Unconscious bias
- Unconscious Bias flyer from the Royal Society
- Google's training video about unconscious bias
- Google unbiasing tool
- Interrupting bias webinar geared toward interventions for building a good department culture with an emphasis on faculty interactions and development
- UC Hastings Work Life Law Center
- One of the most important recent studies to come out of that center, focused on the “double jeopardy” that women of color in STEM experience.
- The study report: Concrete recommendations on being a bias interrupter
- Project Implicit: tests which measure implicit bias
Stereotype threat
- Excellent book on Stereotype Threat: Whistling Vivaldi, by Claude Steele
- Reducing Stereotype Threat: Compilation of resources and research about stereotype threat.
- An extended review of stereotype threat: Stereotype threat in organizations: Implications for equity and performance (Walton, Murphy, & Ryan, 2015, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior)
- Empirically Validated Strategies to Reduce Stereotype Threat (from Walton, Cohen, and Steele)
- Stereotype threat: A Close Encounter - See it, Feel it, Fix it. The 2012 Stanford University School of Education and Cubberley Lecture with Claude Steele and Geoff Cohen (May 10, 2012). Available here or on YouTube
Inclusive classrooms
- Example syllabus notes on classroom climate from Pat Burchat (Stanford Physics)
- Structure Matters: Twenty-One Teaching Strategies to Promote Student Engagement and Classroom Equity. Tanner, K.D., CBE: Journal of Life Science Education, 12, 1-10, (2013).
- Stanford’s VPTL resources on diversity and inclusion
- Center for the Integration of Teaching, Research & Learning: Site with collected resources on a wide variety of teaching related topics, including inclusion. Free account creation necessary.
- Literature Overview: Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Awareness for Classroom and Outreach Education (Ruggs and Hebl 2012)
- What can I do today to create a more inclusive community in CS? From Cynthia Lee, Stanford CS