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Equity & Inclusion Resources
We welcome you to contact any of us with your ideas, as well as with any concerns you have about the current climate in the department.
inclusivephysics [at] (Or click here to send us an email.)
Departmental resources for undergraduates
- The Stanford University Physics Society is a community of undergraduate physics enthusiasts who are always looking for new members. Those interested should sign up for the SUPS mailing list.
- Physics Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities at Stanford (PUWMAS) is Stanford's first student group entirely dedicated to undergraduate women and gender minorities interested in Physics. If you're interested, sign up for the PUWMAS mailing list to learn about upcoming events and opportunities of interest.
- The Physics Department sponsors both term-time and summer research positions for undergraduates. Learn about undergraduate summer research positions in the department.
- The department can sponsor students to attend conferences including the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, SACNAS, the NSBP annual meeting, and oSTEM.
- The physics department sponsors several student-initiated courses taught by students on topics of interest to undergrads, from practical computing to equity and inclusion. One such opportunity is Physics Outreach through Inclusive Science Education (POISE) which provides an opportunity to not just learn about what it means to be a physicist, but how you as a physicist can make an impact in the world beyond the laboratory. An immersive, all-expenses-paid spring break trip focusing on issues of science education, science policy, and diversity and inclusion, POISE is an experience you will never forget. This was offered in 2019 and is planned for 2021; stay tuned!
Departmental resources for MS, Ph.D. students
- The Graduate Students of Applied Physics and Physics organize various departmental events for Ph.D. students, including NOMS (Networking Outreach Meals for Science) and Graduate Women in Physics.
- Graduate Women in Physics organize social, educational, and professional development programs for women in the Physics and Applied Physics departments. Join the apgradwomen mailing list here, or for more information,contact one of the GWIP leads: agnetta [at] (Agnetta Cleland), ipzhang [at] (Irene Zhang), anitask [at] (Anita Kulkarni,) or grawoods [at] (Grace Woods).
- The department can sponsor students to attend conferences SACNAS, the NSBP annual meeting, and oSTEM, and can also support students to visit HBCUs and other minority serving institutions to talk about Stanford's physics program to undergraduates.