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Physics Undergraduate Women and Minorities at Stanford (PUWMAS) is Stanford’s first undergraduate group dedicated to forming an inclusive community of underrepresented minorities in physics.

We have two main missions:

  1. Promote diversity in physics by uniting and uplifting minority voices.
  2. Provide opportunities for personal, academic, and career development.

Congrats to PUWMAS for receiving an APS funded Women in Physics Group Grant!

Congrats to PUWMAS for winning a 2018 Student Activities and Leadership Campus Impact Award for Building Bridges!

Social Events

PUWMAS hosts a variety of social events throughout the year to bring together the physics community, such as Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream or Physics Phormal.


Mixing liquid nitrogen ice cream

Spring 2023

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Social

attendees sitting around food with LED lighting

Spring 2023

Physics Phormal

Selfie of attendees at fountain hopping event

Spring 2023

Fountain Hopping Darty

Talks and Panels

PUWMAS invites faculty to talk about their research and experiences, as well as hosts informational panels featuring minorities in physics. 


Social Media

  • Follow us on Instagram to catch upcoming events and see what our members are up to!
  • Join the PUWMAS GroupMe (coming soon!) to connect with our physics undergrad community!

Mailing List

PUWMAS members at the 2023 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) at UC Santa Cruz.

Michelle Park '25 presenting at CUWiP 2023

Alice Ku '25 presenting at CUWiP 2023

Mia Cano '24 presenting at CUWiP 2023

Executive Board, 2024-2025

Angela Jia, President

Olivia Ju, Vice President

Ella Walsh, Chief Financial Officer