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Guidelines for Speakers
Important Information about Your Talk
Colloquia are targeted at Physics and Applied Physics graduate and undergraduate students, as well as faculty from both departments, and the broader physics community. Hence the talks are expected to be at a level that is accessible to any research physicist. A good colloquium should include plenty of introductory material to frame the subject. Colloquia are not seminars in a specific sub-discipline!
Please make sure your talk does not exceed 50 minutes and, as customary, expect some time for discussion at the end.
We also ask that you provide a title and abstract for your talk ahead of time.
Other Administrative Information
- Colloquia are typically videotaped and then posted on our website; if you have any objection to that, please let us know.
- The colloquium begins at 3:30 PM in the Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200. Refreshments are provided in the Varian Physics lobby at 4:45 PM.
- Arrive a few minutes early to allow for setup and/or consultation with the technician.
- Please consult with your host and/or their Admin Assistant before making travel arrangements!