Student In Laser Lab

Safety Training

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Safety Training

Mandatory Training

Use this form to request re-lamping, plumbing, electrical, custodial or other building maintenance, or to report a safety concern in Varian.

Everyone working in the Varian Physics building is required to complete at least the following online training:

Failure to complete such training by a month after your date of hire will result in the loss of access to the building. This applies to everyone: Faculty, Staff, Postdocs, Graduate Students.

Lab Specific Training

In addition, all physics graduate student are required to take:

Also in this case, failure to complete such training by a month after your date of hire will result in the loss of access to the building. 

Other scientific and technical personnel (specifically postdocs) may be required to also take EHS-1900 and EHS-2200 at the discretion of their PIs who are responsible for maintaining a safe environment in their labs.

Other Safety Training

EH&S offers a broad set of online training modules listed at   PIs, who, again, are responsible for safety in their labs, determine what other training is appropriate for the personnel of their labs.  Common options in Physics are:

Of general interest are also:

Note that some of these modules can only be taken in person.

Each lab is also required to have lab-specific safety notes/training prepared by the PI.  The safety notes should include a list of safety training required for the lab (or some specific members of the lab).  The safety notes from various labs are to be uploaded to BioRAFT.  Training of the building staff that is not part of research groups is the responsibility of the Academic Operation Manager.