Annual Events
This fun and free event takes place on the Stanford campus. The winner of this event is traditionally the runner, walker, or bicyclist whose actual time is (fractionally) closest to his or her predicted time. All finishers of the event receive certificates, and the winners' names are engraved on a plaque displayed in the Varian Physics conference room. This annual event is an enjoyable way to remember Bill Fairbank, an avid runner and inspiring person who was a Professor of Physics at Stanford from 1959 until his death in 1989.
Each year the Stanford Physics Dept. organizes the Bunyan Lecture, named for James T. Bunyan (1898-1977), a member of the Hoover Institution and a scholar of Russian/Soviet history, whose will specified that his estate endow lectures that inquire into our "changing vision of the cosmos and of human destiny as revealed in the latest discoveries in the fields of astronomy and space exploration."
2023-24 Hanna Scholars:
PETER ABBAMONTE (Faculty host ZX Shen)
JEONGWAN HAAH (Faculty host Vedika Khemani)
The Robert Hofstadter Memorial lectures were established in 1993 by the Stanford Physics Department. The lectures traditionally focus on one or more of the four main areas of physics that the late Prof. Hofstadter pursued in his career: high-energy particle physics, high-energy astrophysics, particle detectors and medical physics. Each year, an eminent speaker is invited to give an evening lecture followed by an afternoon colloquium.