Undergraduate Contacts
Director Undergraduate Studies
choosingphysics [at] stanford.edu (Pre-Major Advising)
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How to Declare
Are you excited about the Physics courses you are taking, undergraduate research in physics, and opportunities for physics-related careers (see AIP/SPS & AOP resources)? Then consider declaring Physics as your major by following these steps.
- Make a copy of the relevant tabs in the Physics BS course plan. (Consider simply copying the google sheet so that you can then share a link with the Physics pre-major advisor, etc.) In the "core program" tab, fill in the grades for the courses you have already completed and the quarter in which you have taken or plan to take each of the courses required for the Physics major. In the "depth requirements" tab, indicate the pathway and courses you are considering pursuing.
- Send an email to choosingphysics [at] stanford.edu (choosingphysics[at]stanford[dot]edu) to set up a meeting with the Physics pre-major advisor to discuss your course plan. Indicate whether you prefer to meet on Zoom or in-person. Attach to the email a copy of your unofficial Stanford transcript from Axess, along with a link to your tentative Physics BS course plan.
- If you have taken a non-standard course in place of a required course or otherwise skipped a required course, including for the required PHYSICS 61 + 61L, 71 + 71L, 81 + 89L courses or the MATH 50 or 60CM series, you will need to submit a petition for transfer credit, make-up courses, and/or substitutions, by using the Course Requirements Petition Form for any of these situations. Discuss with the Physics pre-major advisor any substitutions or waivers you may be contemplating for required courses; if they agree with the substitution or waiver, they will sign the petition form before it is considered for approval by the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Peter Graham.
- Declare your Physics Major on Axess. Do not select Physics Honors; this option may be elected later if you choose to pursue the Honors program.
- Send an email to the Physics Student Services Team (physicsstudentservices [at] stanford.edu (physicsstudentservices[at]stanford[dot]edu)) to let them know that you have declared as a Physics major and have met with the Physics pre-major advisor. Send them a link to your course plan (from steps 1 & 2) and any signed petitions (from step 3). Once your declaration is approved, you will be assigned a Physics faculty member to serve as your advisor for the major.
For further assistance or information regarding the Physics Major at Stanford University, contact the Student Services Team at physicsstudentservices [at] stanford.edu (physicsstudentservices[at]stanford[dot]edu).