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Physics Stockroom Self-Service Purchase Form

Click to access self-service purchase form.

You will need to log in with your SUNET ID.

To sign out purchased items:

1. Select "Yes" to use your pre-authorized PTA, or "No" to enter a PTA manually. (See main Physics Stockroom page for information about setting up a pre-authorized PTA.) If entering PTA manually, you can search the "Project" box by project number, Professor name, or project name.

2. Select your supplies from the Physics Stockroom, taking note of the stock#, which will be a red or yellow label. If you need help finding an item, you can ask staff in room 115, or use the search page.

3. In the column labeled "Item#" you can enter the exact stock# and tab or click on "Quantity" to enter quantity. You can also use the "Item#" box to search by description or partial part number. 

4. When you have selected all of your items and quantities, scroll to the bottom and hit "Check Out".

To log back in :