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The Physics Department sponsors a number of events throughout the year featuring speakers of diverse backgrounds and experiences, and experts in advancing equity and inclusion in physics and more broadly STEM. 

In addition to the seminars and roundtables listed below, we recently instituted regular reading groups and graduate student meetings to discuss specific topics and actions that we can take as a department.

2020 events

2018-19 events

  • 08/01: Tools for Practical Allyship: Gender-diverse Identity in the 21st Century
  • 07/25: Tools for Practical Allyship: 'I Don't See Color'—A Primer on Colourblind Racism
  • 07/18: Tools for Practical Allyship: The Meaning of Allyship
  • 06/03: Stanford Physics Pride Month Celebration
  • 05/06: Physics Department Equity and Inclusion Seminar: Joel Corbo on Departmental Action Teams
  • 03/04: Physics Department Equity and Inclusion Seminar: Samuel Meehan on AIMS
  • 12/04: Physics community discussion on equity and inclusion topics
  • 11/13: Physics Department Equity and Inclusion Seminar: Ashley Martin, 'Blind to Bias: The Benefits of Gender-Blindness for STEM Stereotyping'
  • 10/29: WISE informal discussion of 'Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine' (Dr Benya [study director] and Dr Hillman [committee member] visiting)
  • 10/22: WISE Inspirations Network at Stanford event feat. Ellen Ochoa, PhD (more info here)

2017-18 events

2016-17 events