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Video from Andrew Houck, Princeton University - “Circuit QED: From materials to mathematics”

Tue May 11th 2021, 4:30pm

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Stanford University




Tuesday, May 11, 2021

4:30 p.m. via Zoom


Andrew Houck
Princeton University


“Circuit QED: From materials to mathematics”


Superconducting circuits provide a useful toolbox for science at the intersection of many different fields – materials, devices, physics, computer science, and mathematics.  I will describe how our work with this platform spans these fields, drawing insight from many sources to advance the state of the art.  In particular, I will show how materials science can lead to insight into improved qubit coherence; how Hamiltonian engineering can be used to immunize qubits against noise and provide faster gates; and how lattices of qubits and cavities can draw on graph theory to realize flat bands and novel fragile topological states.