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Your First Stanford Physics Class

So you're considering taking your first Physics class at Stanford! ...

Physics Placement Diagnostic

The physics placement diagnostic is an online tool that will recommend the initial Physics course in which to enroll. The Placement Diagnostic covers both conceptual understanding and quantitative skills in mathematics and introductory physics.  It is intended to assess your existing command of the material; thus, it is neither necessary nor advisable that you study beforehand.  Because the diagnostic is designed to assess a broad range of preparation,  you should not be concerned if you find material in the diagnostic that is unfamiliar.  We will provide you with appropriate advice based on how you do on the entire diagnostic. 

Anyone who intends to enroll in Physics 41E, 41, 43, 45, or 61 must take the Physics placement diagnostic. Learn more about the Placement diagnostic here.

Introductory Courses

<Description of the 20 and 40 series>

AP & Transfer Placement

If you have taken the AP Physics 1 or 2 exams or taken physics at another institution,...


We encourage you utilize the resources provided by your course instructional team, such as office hours and group study hours. However, if you need more support... 

What comes next?

Interested in learning more physics?  <Link to degrees or page about 60 series>.