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Varian Building Management

Building Maintenance And Utilities

Building Status:

  • Utilities (HVAC, plumbing, flooding, leaks, etc.) - 2/13/2025 Leaks reported in Varian 406, B35. LBRE has been notified.
  • Connectivity (internet, Wi-Fi, and phones) - No known issues
  • Building card key access - No known issues
  • Power / Electrical - No known issues
  • Process cooling water - No known issues

Last updated February 11, 2025 

Report a Facilities or Safety Concern in Varian

For all after-hours building-related emergency issues, call Work Control: (650) 723-2281

You will be asked for the quad and building number. You will then be asked for the floor, and the room number. You will be asked to describe the problem. 

Your response: Varian Physics Building, Quad 04, Building 520,Your floor and room number. 

For non-emergency building-related issues, you may submit a work request to LBRE, or email khoi [at] (khoi[at]stanford[dot]edu).

LBRE Work Order Log (Includes complete and incomplete work orders for Varian, Building 60, and Student Observatory)

Upcoming events: 

AlertSU System Test - February 12 On Wednesday, February 12, at approximately 12:05 p.m., Stanford University will conduct a test of the campus AlertSU system. Alert messages will be sent via text message and email to the Stanford community. It will also post to the University emergency website, Public Safety website and the Stanford mobile app.

The outdoor warning system will be activated. If you are outside, you should expect to hear an audible tone for approximately 30 seconds, followed by a verbal message from each of the 7 sirens at various campus locations. The sirens will be audible throughout the campus and may also be heard in parts of the surrounding communities, including Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Los Altos.

Also, being tested are Cisco VoIP speaker phones. VoIP speaker phones are found in many of the academic and office buildings throughout campus. If you have a Cisco phone in your area, the AlertSU message will broadcast from the speaker phone and a banner message will appear in the display.

In the test message sent to your device, you will be asked to acknowledge the message. This is an important step that will help us monitor the success of this test. If you receive both a text and email, you only need to acknowledge one of the messages.

Varian fire sprinkler testing– February 13, 2025 6:30 a.m. until completion. This is a MANDATORY quarterly inspection to comply with the California Fire Code. The Outside Sprinkler Horn will sound at some point during the test for approximately 10-15 seconds. 

Varian fire alarm testing – February 20, 2025 6:30 a.m. until completion. This is a MANDATORY TEST to comply with the California Fire Code. Testing will also affect Fumehoods, HVAC Systems, Elevators and Door Holders. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Fire Marshal’s office at (650) 725-2129.

Building Manager: Dorrene Ross (650) 804-2289 

Building Access / Card Key

Our onboarding and key issuing procedures are currently being examined and revised. 

As of February 2025, please refer to our safety training manual

Construction / Shutdown Notices

Alfred Zong lab project (Varian basement) - Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

Highlights 02-03-25 to 02-07-25:

Construction continued In Electron and Photon Lab
Overhead MEP continued In Photon Lab
Overhead MEP continued In Electron Lab
Electrical in-wall in-progress In Photon Lab mech. room
Wall framing install completed
One side drywall install in-progress
Fire free fire retardant install completed
Door frame install in-progress
EA tie In completed

Upcoming Construction Impacts: 

Minimal noise / vibration from anchor and drywall install during the hours of 5:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Concrete saw-cutting on Monday (2/3) beginning at 4:00 a.m. Impacts include noise and minimal vibrations.

Conference Rooms

Varian has 3 conference rooms that can be reserved for Physics-related events. All rooms can be viewed by Stanford affiliates in Outlook or Stanford Webcal. Click "Add Calendar", "Add From Directory", search the calendar names as listed below. To reserve a time, email khoi [at] (khoi[at]stanford[dot]edu).

  • "Varian Physics Lab 206" (Capacity 25) cal_lo_cr_physics_208 at
  • "Varian Physics Lab 312" (Capacity 20) cal_lo_varian_physics_lab_312 at
  • "Varian Physics Lab 355" (Capacity 50) cal_lo_cr_physics_355 at

The Varian outdoor patio, facing the quad, is not open for reservations, and is only for departmental events at this time. 

Information about HEPL/PAB conference rooms can be found here. To reserve a HEPL conference room for a Physics event, email khoi [at] (khoi[at]stanford[dot]edu)