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Jon Simon

Joan Reinhart Professor and Professor of Applied Physics
Department: Physics, Applied Physics
Jon Simon
Jon grew up fascinated with electronics, programming, simulating the world, and soccer. He went to Montgomery Blair for highschool, where he was captain of the game programming club and the chess team. As an undergraduate at Caltech, he led the Beavers to a 1-63 record (seriously- we were terrible) over his 3 seasons on the NCAA DIII soccer team, all while learning physics and building electronics. As a graduate student and postdoc at MIT & Harvard, Jon focused primarily on cavity QED and synthetic quantum matter in optical lattices, while achieving the distinction of coming in dead last in the Head of the Charles Regatta Club 8's. On weekends he kitesurfed on the cape.

Jon's passions for light, simulation, and circuits have combined in the study of quantum & classical matter made of light. In his spare time he grapples, flies drones, and trains his cat Emmy to perform tricks.
