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PhD Defenses


Fri August 9th 2024, 10:00 - 11:00am
PAB 241

Ph.D. Candidate:  Sanyum Channa

Research Advisor:  Yuri Suzuki

Date: August 9, 2024

Time:  10:00 AM PST

Location: Physics and Astrophysics Building, room 241

Title: Engineering novel magnetic insulators for energy efficient devices

Abstract:  Magnetic technologies are a promising alternative to conventional charge-based devices that are facing severe energy efficiency and fabrication scaling challenges. While most magnetic devices are based on metallic ferromagnets, my research explores the viability of insulating ferromagnets for further improving energy efficiency. In this talk, I will demonstrate the realization of a new thin film magnetic insulator, Lithium Aluminum Ferrite (LAFO) that I engineered and optimized to have a unique co-existence of desirable properties, including high structural quality, perpendicular magnetism and low magnetic loss. I will show complete and efficient electrical control of the insulating LAFO films using spin-orbit torque switching. I will also talk about the discovery of a new type of fluctuating magnetic topology within the same LAFO films.