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23rd Annual Bill Fairbank Memorial Run/Walk/Bike

Sat March 10th 2012, 12:00pm
Rodin Sculpture Garden (corner of Roth Way and Lomita Drive)
23rd Annual Bill Fairbank Memorial Run/Walk/Bike


The winner, as in years past, will be the runner, walker, bicyclist, etc. whose actual time is (fractionally) closest to his or her predicted time. (Of course, all watches and other time-keeping devices are collected before the race -- you may wish to leave your watches and cell-phones at home.) 
The runners and walkers can take Roth Way to the Campus Drive-Junipero Serra loop (4.2 miles), while the bicyclists can use a loop out to Page Mill Rd., then Arastradero Rd., returning via Alpine Rd. (11.5 miles). However, you may use any route and mode of transport. 
The winner's name will appear on a plaque displayed outside the Physics Dept. main office. Volunteers (especially timers) will be needed. If you have any questions, please contact Rosenna Yau (rosenna.yau@stanford) or the Physics Department at 650-723-4344.

An avid runner and an inspiring person, Bill Fairbank was Professor of Physics from 1959 until his death in 1989.  This is an event sponsored by the Physics Department and is open to the general public.  All are welcome!


Thanks to all who participated, and especially to our volunteer!  Here are the results:

Particpant name mode Predicted
Lee, Menyoung run 41.23 41.29 0.24%
Vandenbroucke, Justin run 35.00 35.07 0.33%
Fairbank, Billy walk 73.20 72.58 -0.50%
Raman, Aaswath run 38.00 38.17 0.75%
Herrin, Steve run 34.25 34.44 0.92%
Lorman, Jessica run 41.00 40.29 -1.26%
Pal, Saikat run 41.00 40.23 -1.50%
Millard, Matt run 41.00 40.20 -1.63%
Horn, Bart run 27.10 27.46 2.21%
Buttner, Mary run 48.00 46.38 -2.85%
Lockhart, Jim run 55.45 54.06 -2.96%
Burchat, Pat run 37.30 38.39 3.07%
Udall, Madelaine run 42.48 41.29 -3.08%
Martin, Terry run 56.00 54.09 -3.30%
Niemi, A-K run 48.00 46.14 -3.68%
Niemisto, Kristina run 48.00 46.11 -3.78%
Blandford, Roger run 35.00 33.38 -3.90%
Connors, Katherine run 48.00 46.07 -3.92%
Breznay, Nicholas run 32.00 30.43 -4.01%
Hollberg, Leo run 37.00 38.36 4.32%
Calcagno, Jason run 34.36 32.46 -5.30%
Lynch, Pamela run 45.00 42.30 -5.56%
Malenka, Benjamin run 45.00 42.21 -5.89%
Faribank, Bill run 78.00 72.56 -6.50%
Malenka, Benjamin run 45.00 41.56 -6.81%
Bay, T. J. run 42.15 39.19 -6.94%
Munoz, Alejandro bike 75.00 69.33 -7.27%
Smith, Todd: Starter walk 70.00 64.50 -7.38%
Cheng, Angela bike 76.00 69.36 -8.42%
Smith, Sandy walk 70.00 62.07 -11.26%
Wenren, Danjie run 37.00 32.47 -11.40%
Everett, Francis walk/run 62.00 72.49 17.45%
Odani, Shoko walk 54.00 63.26 17.47%
White, Miu walk 54.00 63.26 17.47%
Pu, Evan walk 30.00 50.87 71.50%
Fairbank, Bob partial 10.00 19.10 91.67%
Fairbank, Valerie partial 10.00 19.10 91.67%
Romine, Roger bike, swim, walk 30.00 10.19 Aborted, swimming pool closed
Duby, Robyn walk 65.30 ?? Walked home, didn't come back
Duby, Candice walk 65.36 ?? Walked home, didn't come back
Eilers, Wendy walk 65.30 ?? Walked home, didn't come back
Ismail, Ahmed volunteer     Help setup, time and cleanup
Slinger, Karin volunteer     Help setup,sign up and cleanup
Yau, Rosenna volunteer      


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