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The mission of the Stanford Physics Department is to produce groundbreaking physics in a climate that values the contributions of and encourages participation from all groups of physicists and potential physicists.

News Update

The Inclusion committee members for the 2024-25 academic year:


Department Staff

Postdoctoral Fellows

  • Judy Ji
  • Monique Tie

    Interested in serving on the Inclusion committee? Contact the committee chair Leo Hollberg or one of the current committee members. Postdocs, students (undergraduate and graduate), and staff of all backgrounds and identities are welcome.

Upcoming events

There are currently no upcoming events

Get involved!

Student-Initiated Groups and Programs


We maintain a list of support resources within Stanford and beyond, for everyone from students and postdocs to faculty and staff.

See support resources

Summer Research for External Students

Stanford has two opportunities for undergraduate students from institutions outside of Stanford to do summer research in physics and astronomy. Both programs aim to increase research opportunities for students from a broad range of backgrounds, including those who are the first in their families to attend college and those from under-resourced backgrounds.